In general, and in accordance with the Hewlett Packard Enterprise provided Reference Architectures (RAs) or Reference
Configurations (RCs), the application is installed and configured along with the OS. The application can be added as part
of the Golden Image or installed during the personalization process. When application customization is required at the
time of deployment, Plan Scripts that are referenced by the HPE OneView server profile can be used to define the
customization as part of the OS volume personalization.
More information
Deployment using Image Streamer
Image Streamer appliance terminology
An HPE Synergy Composer domain can have multiple Image Streamer appliance pairs. An Image Streamer appliance pair
serves a single logical enclosure, and a single logical enclosure can have at most one Image Streamer appliance pair. One
Image Streamer appliance pair is designated as the primary appliance pair, and all other appliance pairs are designated as
secondary appliance pairs.
For an Image Streamer appliance pair,
• An Active-Standby management cluster serves the artifact management and OS deployment functions.
• An Active-Active storage cluster serves the OS volume storage.
All Image Streamer appliances managed by an HPE OneView instance operate as one deployment server. The Image
Streamer deployment server acts as a single interface for management of all Image Streamer appliance pairs including
deployment and capture of OS volumes residing in any appliance pair. It also manages the artifacts that provide details
about for deployment and capture and replicates the artifacts on multiple appliance pairs when needed.
A special single frame configuration with one Image Streamer can be used for development or testing environments.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise requires a three frame configuration as a minimum for production environment. The following
list describes the appliance and cluster concepts:
Image Streamer appliance
An individual HPE Synergy Image Streamer module placed in HPE Synergy frames or a pair of Image Streamer
modules that function together to form a highly available redundant pair.
Primary Image Streamer appliance
The primary appliance pair for a deployment server. The primary appliance pair is responsible for managing the
server deployment, creating artifacts, and providing storage for the OS volumes for the compute modules in its logical
Secondary Image Streamer appliance
The secondary appliance pair provides storage for the OS volumes for the compute modules in its logical enclosure. If
the primary appliance becomes unavailable, contact your authorised customer support representative to designate a
secondary appliance as the primary appliance to manage the deployment process.
Primary active Image Streamer appliance
This appliance provides the deployment server user interface, artifact management, and deployment control. You can
assign the primary appliance.
Primary standby Image Streamer appliance
When an active appliance becomes unavailable, the standby appliance takes over the management function of the
active appliance and becomes the active appliance.
The secondary appliances contain a copy of artifacts as available on the primary appliance and assist with deployment of
OS volumes. If required, the standby appliances provide redundant artifact storage and deployment functionality. Standby
appliances also have an active OS volume storage.
Introduction to Image Streamer