HPE Synergy documentation resources
The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Information Library (
https://www.hpe.com/info/synergy-docs) provides a
comprehensive, one stop location for all HPE Synergy documentation, including installation instructions, user guides,
maintenance and service guides, best practices, and links to additional resources. The Library supports filtering to
improve findability.
HPE Synergy Solution
Start Here Poster
First-time setup procedure of an HPE Synergy solution, from hardware
installation to HPE OneView configuration.
Release Notes
Release descriptions, new features, documentation updates, and issues and
suggested actions for products like HPE Synergy, HPE Synergy Image
Streamer, and HPE OneView.
Migration Guide
Information about migrating from HPE Synergy Composer to HPE Synergy
Composer2 and from HPE Synergy Frame Link Module to HPE Synergy 4-
port Frame Link Module.
Validating HPE Synergy appliance
firmware: Preparing an HPE Synergy
appliance for first-time setup
Procedures for preparing an HPE Synergy appliance for initial use in a
Appliances User Guide
Outlines appliance module management, configuration, and security.
Cabling Guide
Cabling examples for management network, HPE Synergy Image Streamer,
interconnects, and power.
Configuration and Compatibility Guide
An overview of HPE Synergy management and fabric architecture, detailed
hardware component identification, and configuration requirements for
hardware components.
Frame Link Module User Guide
Management, configuration, and security information for the HPE Synergy 4-
Port Frame Link Module, HPE Synergy Frame Link Module, and HPE Synergy
Management Console.
Power Management Overview Guide
Additional details on how HPE Synergy manages power usage in an HPE
Synergy 12000 Frame.
Troubleshooting Guide
Information for resolving common problems and courses of action for fault
isolation and identification, issue resolution, and maintenance.
Error Message Guide
Information for resolving issues associated with specific error messages.
Documentation Map
A descriptive map to filter and locate the HPE Synergy documentation you
Terminology, descriptions, and drawings to provide an understanding of the
product and to help familiarize with the HPE Synergy ecosystem.
HPE Synergy Image Streamer
Deployment workflow
Interactively describes the various steps involved in setting up HPE Synergy
Image Streamer for OS deployment and has pointers to the different
documents that contain detailed instructions on the steps.
Table Continued
HPE Synergy documentation resources