StoreOnce Catalyst Terminology
StoreOnce Catalyst
: The name of the StoreOnce interface
StoreOnce Catalyst stores
: The targets/device types in which backups are stored on the StoreOnce
StoreOnce Catalyst Federated stores
: A group of up to eight service sets within the same cluster
that share backup jobs as a federation on the StoreOnce System
StoreOnce Cloud Bank Catalyst stores
: Catalyst stores for which the physical storage is external
object storage. The object storage can be provided from any supported local, private, or public cloud
object storage service. See the
HPE Data Availability, Protection and Retention Compatibility Matrix
supported StoreOnce Systems and object storage. Cloud Bank Storage stores are supported as copy,
not backup, targets. Configuration and integration with data protection software is similar to a standard
StoreOnce Catalyst store.
StoreOnce Catalyst items
: the backup items stored in the StoreOnce Catalyst stores on the
StoreOnce System
StoreOnce Catalyst clients
: the generic term for applications that connect using the StoreOnce
Catalyst interface
Data jobs
: any backup or restore job
StoreOnce Catalyst Optimized Backups
: Backups that are performed on the media or backup
server (instead of the StoreOnce System). Only unique data is sent to the StoreOnce System using a
low bandwidth transfer protocol. Actual performance varies depending upon the data and disk I/O
Copy jobs
: true copies of the data (not mirror images). The backup application specifies the source
store (outbound copy job) and destination store (inbound copy job). Once copied, the two versions are
independent of each other. Either version can be deleted, moved, or added to from the backup
application. The backup application initiates copies. Copy jobs are supported over Ethernet and Fibre
StoreOnce Catalyst Optimized Copy
: The source and destination stores negotiate so that only
unique data is transferred. The copy job is completed in a bandwidth-efficient manner.
Viewing the StoreOnce Catalyst activity
Navigate to
StoreOnce Catalyst
. The screen defaults to the
Select the required Service Set in the top section of the page to display its StoreOnce Catalyst details in
the lower section of the page. For more information about Service Sets, see
Table 22: StoreOnce Catalyst Service Set fields
The name of the Service Set.
Current Node
The node on which that Service Set is running.
Main Node
The main node for the Service Set. This node is normally the same as the current
node unless failover has occurred.
Table Continued
StoreOnce Catalyst Terminology