Locate the Identifier at the top of the screen. This Identifier is the Fibre Channel address of the
StoreOnce System and is used to identify the StoreOnce System in the backup application. It is in the
; you may provide an Identifier Alias to make it easier to identify from the
backup application. This Catalyst over Fibre Channel Identifier is provided to the backup application
where an Ethernet address would otherwise be provided.
In the Target Ports section, the default values are recommended. However, you can edit the speed if
In the Devices section, locate the World Wide Port Name (WWPN) for each port on the StoreOnce
System. The WWPN is required to zone the client with the StoreOnce System. Use this information to
zone your client Fibre Channel ports with your StoreOnce Fibre Channel ports. When making use of
StoreOnce Catalyst Copy over Fibre Channel, both the source/destination initiator and the target
devices must also be zoned to communicate with each other over Fibre Channel. See
4. Important
: Locate the Number of Devices per Initiator Port for each port. This value determines the
number of concurrent backup/restore and copy connections allowed from a single client Fibre Channel
port to a single StoreOnce Fibre Channel port, or from a source StoreOnce Fibre Channel port to a
destination StoreOnce Fibre Channel port. The setting applies to all StoreOnce Catalyst supported
client operating systems and also applies to StoreOnce Catalyst Copy over Fibre Channel.
Increase this value if multiple concurrent backup/copy streams are required; the maximum allowed is
256 devices per client Fibre Channel port login. If this value is increased, a device file rescan on the
client is needed before the change is recognized. If the number of devices is reduced, client operating
systems will not delete StoreOnce Catalyst over Fibre Channel device files after a rescan. Operating
systems will only clear outdated device files on a reboot.
The number of paths available from one particular client or source StoreOnce node to a destination
StoreOnce service set is calculated as:
number of a client's ports zoned to a StoreOnce service set * number of
StoreOnce service set ports zoned to that client * devices per initiator
Table 27: Example relationships between Device per Initiator Port and Number
of Connections
Per Client
StoreOnce System
Devices per Initiator
Number of concurrent
1 port zoned to
4 ports
2 ports zoned to
4 ports
2 ports zoned to
2 ports
2 ports zoned to
4 ports
Per client Fibre Channel port to StoreOnce port relationship, and source StoreOnce port to destination StoreOnce
port for StoreOnce Catalyst copy.
StoreOnce Catalyst functions