On the first-generation and HP sx1000-based two-cell servers, two PCI slots by
convention are dedicated for use by a combination LAN/SCSI card: PCI domain 0 slot 1 (the
first slot on the left) and PCI domain 1 slot 8 (the last slot on the right).
On two-cell servers based on the HP sx2000 chipset, core I/O is provided in each cell.
A total server complex capacity of: 2 cells, 8 processor sockets, 32 DIMMs, and 16 PCI card
Two-cell HP servers include a single server cabinet that may be rack-mounted or a stand-alone
server configuration.
Four-Cell nPartition Server Model
The following cell-based HP servers scale from one to four cells:
The HP rp8400 server has single-core HP PA-RISC processors.
The model string is: 9000/800/S16K-A.
The HP rp8420 server has dual-core HP PA-RISC processors: PA-8800 processors, which
provide two processor cores per processor socket.
The model string is: 9000/800/rp8420.
The HP rp8440 server has dual-core HP PA-RISC processors: PA-8900 processors, which
provide two processor cores per processor socket.
The model string is: 9000/800/rp8440.
The HP rx8620 server has Intel® Itanium® 2 processors, either single-processor modules or
HP mx2 dual-processor modules.
Both HP mx2 dual-processor modules and single Itanium 2 processors can exist in the same
complex, but they cannot be mixed in the same nPartition.
command output is: ia64 hp rx8620 server.
The HP rx8640 server has single-core or dual-core Intel® Itanium® 2 processors.
command output is: ia64 hp rx8640 server.
Figure 2-2
shows an overview of a four-cell HP server cabinet.
Figure 2-2 Four-Cell HP Server Cabinet
You can configure a single nPartition using some or all cells, or can configure up to four separate
nPartitions within the server complex when using an I/O expansion cabinet.
In a multiple-nPartition four-cell server complex, you would use cell 0 and its I/O chassis in one
nPartition, and use cell 1 and its I/O chassis in another nPartition. The other cells (cells 2 and 3)
can be assigned to either of the two nPartitions, or if connected to I/O in an expansion cabinet
can be used to create additional nPartitions.
nPartition Server Hardware Overview