For service processor commands, see
“Command Reference for Service Processor Commands”
(page 80)
EFI Boot Manager and EFI Shell Commands
On cell-based HP Integrity servers, the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) supports
nPartition management. The EFI is accessible from an nPartition console when the nPartition
is in an active state but has not booted an operating system.
“Command Reference for EFI Shell Commands” (page 81)
for details.
BCH Menu Commands
On cell-based PA-RISC servers, the Boot Console Handler (BCH) interface supports
management from an nPartition console when the nPartition is in an active state but has not
booted an operating system. See
“Command Reference for BCH Menu Commands” (page 84)
for details.
nPartition Commands
You can configure, manage, and monitor nPartitions and hardware using the nPartition
commands such as
, and others.
Two versions of the nPartition commands are available: the Original nPartition Commands
and Enhanced nPartition Commands. The Original nPartition Commands are used only on
HP-UX 11i v1 (B.11.11) releases prior to the December 2004 release. The Enhanced nPartition
Commands are supported for HP-UX, Windows, and Linux.
The same base set of features is available in both nPartition commands versions. However,
the Enhanced nPartition Commands include new options, such as remote administration
abilities, and include the
“Commands for Configuring nPartitions” (page 19)
for details.
Partition Manager (
Partition Manager provides a graphical interface for configuring, modifying, and managing
nPartitions and hardware within a server complex.
Two versions of Partition Manager are available: Version 1.0 and Version 2.0. Partition
Manager Version 1.0 is used only on HP-UX 11i v1 (B.11.11) releases prior to the December
2004 release and relies in part on the Original nPartition Commands. Partition Manager
Version 2.0 is supported for HP-UX and Windows and relies in part on the Enhanced
nPartition Commands.
Although both Partition Manager versions support a similar set of tasks, the Partition
Manager Version 2.0 release provides a significantly improved graphical interface, a new
Web-based management interface, and remote administration abilities.
“Partition Manager” (page 22)
for details.
Commands for Configuring nPartitions
You can use the nPartition commands to create, modify, monitor, and remove nPartitions; get
detailed server hardware information; manipulate attention indicators (LEDs) and power; and
modify server complex attributes such as the complex name.
Table 1-3
describes the two nPartition commands releases, the Original nPartition Commands
and the Enhanced nPartition Commands.
The nPartition commands include:
, and
Table 1-4 “nPartition Commands
briefly describes each of the commands.
When using these commands, specify cells and I/O chassis using the notations in
Cells and I/O Chassis to Commands” (page 243)
Administration Tools for nPartitions