About This Document
This book describes nPartition system administration procedures, concepts, and principles for
the HP servers that support nPartitions.
New and Changed Information in This Edition
This edition includes changes and additions related to the Superdome SX1000 PA and SX2000
Document Organization
This book contains the following chapters and appendix.
Chapter 1.
“Getting Started with nPartitions” (page 15)
This chapter introduces HP nPartition system features, server models,
supported operating systems, and administration tools, and outlines the basic
information needed for managing nPartitions.
Chapter 2.
“nPartition Server Hardware Overview” (page 49)
This chapter describes HP nPartition server models and features.
Chapter 3.
“Planning nPartitions” (page 61)
This chapter describes how you can plan nPartition configurations. Details
include the nPartition configuration requirements and recommendations.
Chapter 4.
“Using Management Interfaces and Tools” (page 67)
This chapter presents the system management interfaces and tools available
on HP nPartition servers. Also described here are the nPartition boot
environments, management access procedures, and detailed command
Chapter 5.
“Booting and Resetting nPartitions” (page 87)
This chapter introduces nPartition system boot and reset concepts,
configuration options, and procedures for booting and resetting nPartitions.
Chapter 6.
“Creating and Configuring nPartitions” (page 165)
This chapter presents the procedures for creating, configuring, and managing
nPartitions on HP servers that support them.
Chapter 7.
“Managing Hardware Resources” (page 201)
This chapter explains the procedures for managing the hardware resources
in nPartitions and their server complexes. It describes power and LED
(attention indicator) management, hardware configuration and
deconfiguration, and analysis of the current status of the server complex.
Chapter 8.
“Listing nPartition and Hardware Status” (page 223)
This chapter describes procedures for listing the current status of nPartitions
and server hardware components.
Appendix A.
“nPartition Commands” (page 243)
This appendix contains details and command-line syntax for the HP nPartition
configuration commands.
New and Changed Information in This Edition