The tool sends the revised Complex Profile entry back to the service processor along with
the corresponding lock key.
The service processor then "pushes out" the new, revised Complex Profile entry by updating
its copy and updating all cells that have a copy of the entry.
However, the service processor will not push out a revised Complex Profile entry that affects
the nPartition assignment of an active cell. In this case the revised entry will remain pending
until the cell becomes inactive, for example during a reboot for reconfig or shutdown for
reconfig of the nPartition to which the cell is assigned.
After the service processor has pushed out the revised Complex Profile entry it clears the
lock for the entry.
After the entry is unlocked then, as needed, another nPartition configuration task can lock
and revise that portion of the Complex Profile.
A single administration task can revise multiple Complex Profile entries. For example, you can
create a new nPartition and assign its name in a single action. In this case the tool you use must
lock both the Stable Complex Configuration Data and the Partition Configuration Data entry for
the new nPartition before revising the data according to the administration request.
Multiple nPartition configuration tasks can occur essentially concurrently if all tasks revise
different Complex Profile entries (thus allowing each task to acquire a lock for the entry it revises).
Complex Profile Entry Locking and Unlocking
Each Complex Profile entry has its own lock which is used to restrict access to the entry. If
necessary you can manually unlock Complex Profile entries, however in nearly all situations
you instead should allow the administration tools to automatically acquire and release locks.
You should generally avoid manually unlocking Complex Profile entries because
doing so can can result in the loss of configuration changes.
The locks for Complex Profile entries are managed as described here.
For the Stable Complex Configuration Data entry, there are slight differences in the locking
mechanisms on HP 9000 and HP Integrity servers.
— On cell-based HP 9000 servers, the Stable Complex Configuration Data has a single
— On cell-based HP Integrity servers, the Stable Complex Configuration Data has two
separate locks: a "read lock" for restricting read access to the current Stable Complex
Configuration Data entry, and a "write lock" for restricting access to a modifiable copy
of the Stable Complex Configuration Data.
On both HP 9000 and HP Integrity cell-based servers there is one lock for each Partition
Configuration Data entry (each nPartition has its own Partition Configuration Data entry).
command and the service processor
command enable you to manually
unlock Complex Profile entries.
It can be necessary to manually unlock a Complex Profile entry in the situation where an nPartition
configuration tool such as Partition Manager has prematurely exited. If such a tool exits before
it sends revised Complex Profile entries and corresponding lock keys back to the service processor,
the entries that the tool locked will remain locked indefinitely (until they are manually unlocked).
Manually Unlocking a Complex Profile Entry
You can manually unlock Complex Profile entries
after an nPartition configuration tool has exited before unlocking the entries it had locked. In
this situation an attempt to modify the nPartition or complex-wide setting will fail because the
Complex Profile entries still are locked. If you are certain no authorized users are changing
configurations, use the
command or the service processor
command to unlock
Getting Started with nPartitions