The Complex Profiles on cell-based HP 9000 servers and cell-based HP Integrity servers
contain slightly different sets of information.
Table 1-5
covers both types of Complex Profiles.
The Complex Profile on cell-based HP Integrity servers includes all HP 9000 server Complex
Profile data and additional components that are specific to HP Integrity servers. Some HP 9000
server Complex Profile data is unused on HP Integrity servers but is included for compatibility.
Table 1-5 Complex Profile Group Details
Description and Contents
Complex Profile Group
The Stable Complex Configuration Data contains complex-wide configuration details, some
of which may be set by administrators.
Although the Stable Complex Configuration Data applies to the whole complex, the cell
assignments and cell local memory (CLM) per cell components are comprised of data that
affect the individual cells.
A copy of the Stable Complex Configuration Data resides on the service processor (MP or
GSP) and on every cell in the complex.
The system boot interfaces (the BCH and EFI environments) do not have methods for changing
Stable Complex Configuration Data. Instead, use the service processor command menu or
nPartition management tools.
The Stable Complex Configuration Data includes these components:
• Model String — Only applies to HP 9000 servers. PA-RISC model.
• Complex System Name — User-chosen name for the complex.
• Original Product Number — Set by HP manufacturing.
• Current Product Number — Originally set by HP manufacturing.
• Creator Serial Number — Set by HP manufacturing.
• Cell Assignments — User-configurable nPartition assignments for all cells in the complex;
also specifies each cell type (e.g. base).
• Cell Local Memory (CLM) Per Cell — Only on servers based on the HP sx1000 or sx2000
chipset. User-configurable setting for each cell that determines the amount of cell local
memory. The operating system on an nPartition with CLM configured must also support
CLM for the cell local memory to be accessible to the operating system.
• nPartition Configuration Privilege — Only on servers based on the HP sx1000 or sx2000
chipset. Either unrestricted or restricted. A restricted privilege means complex changes
are possible only through the service processor LAN interface, which prompts for the
IPMI password.
Stable Complex
The Dynamic Complex Configuration Data is architecturally reserved information that applies
to the entire server complex.
A copy of the Dynamic Complex Configuration Data resides on the service processor (MP
or GSP) and on every cell in the complex. A reboot is not required for Dynamic Complex
Configuration Data changes to take effect.
The system boot interfaces (the BCH and EFI environments) do not have methods for changing
Dynamic Complex Configuration Data. Users and administrators do not directly configure
this data.
Dynamic Complex
reserved information.
specific information
(each nPartition has
its own data).
Getting Started with nPartitions