Basics of nPartition Creation
Creating an nPartition involves using an nPartition administration tool to assign one or more
cells in a complex to the new nPartition. At the time an nPartition is created you also can optionally
specify various configuration options for the nPartition, such as its name, cell use-on-next-boot
values, and other details. After an nPartition is created you can modify the nPartition, as described
“Basics of nPartition Modification” (page 30)
. For detailed procedures see
Chapter 6 (page 165)
When creating an nPartition, follow the HP nPartition requirements and guidelines.
HP recommends only specific sets of nPartition configurations. For nPartition configuration
requirements and recommendations, see
Chapter 3 (page 61)
The method you choose for creating an nPartition can depend on whether you are creating the
first nPartition in a complex, creating a "Genesis Partition" for a complex, or creating an additional
nPartition in a complex that already has one or more nPartitions defined.
Creating the First nPartition in a Server Complex
To create the first nPartition in a complex
you can do so either by creating a Genesis Partition or by using an nPartition administration
tool to remotely manage the complex using IPMI over LAN.
— All cell-based servers support creating a Genesis Partition. See
“Creating a Genesis
Partition for a Server Complex” (page 29)
— Only cell-based servers based on the HP sx1000 or sx2000 chipset support remote
administration using IPMI over LAN.
From a system with the Enhanced nPartition Commands, use the
-g... -h...
set of options. Or from Partition Manager Version 2.0 use the
dialog to connect to the complex and use the
Create nPartition
For remote administration details see
“Remote and Local Management of nPartitions”
(page 41)
Creating a Genesis Partition for a Server Complex
Creating a Genesis Partition involves
the service processor (MP or GSP)
command to specify that an initial, one-cell nPartition
be created within the server complex. To create a Genesis Partition, the complex either must
have no nPartitions defined, or all nPartitions must be shutdown for reconfig (inactive). For
details see
“Genesis Partition” (page 30)
Creating Additional nPartitions in a Server Complex
You can use either of two methods to
create additional nPartitions in a complex where one or more nPartitions already are defined:
either use
or Partition Manager from an nPartition running in the complex, or
use the remote administration feature of those tools running on a system outside the complex.
For a detailed procedure see
“Creating a New nPartition” (page 172)
— Creating a New nPartition Locally — To create a new nPartition in the same complex
or Partition Manager is running at least one nPartition must be
booted with an operating system that has the nPartition tools installed.
Login to HP-UX on the nPartition and issue the
command, or access Partition
Manager running on the nPartition and use its
Create nPartition
— Creating a New nPartition Remotely — To remotely create a new nPartition in a complex,
do so either by using the Enhanced nPartition Commands version of
, or
by using Partition Manager Version 2.0.
Only cell-based servers based on the HP sx1000 or sx2000 chipset support remote
and Partition Manager support two methods of remote administration:
WBEM and IPMI over LAN. For remote administration using WBEM the tool remotely
accesses a booted operating system running on an nPartition in the target complex (for
Overview of Managing nPartitions