HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Performance Tests
Port Return Loss
Port Return Loss
Test Procedure
An HP 8515A test set is required to perform this test.
1. Disconnect the HP 8511A from the GPIB, the test set IF interconnect
and the RF source signal. Leave it connected to the line power.
2. Place the HP 8515 test set on top of the HP 8511A. Connect the
HP 8515 test set in the system by connecting the GPIB, the test set IF
interconnect, the RF source power, and the line power to it.
3. Turn on the HP 8511A and treat it like a device under test. You will use
the HP 8515 test set to make S11 measurements of each port on the
HP 8511A.
4. Perform the calibration at the end of the cable and take care to avoid
overly sharp cable bends (defined in the cable manual). Then measure
the return loss of each port on the HP 8511A.