HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
Connecting the Test Set
Connecting the Test Set
Mating Connectors
INPUT PORTS al, bl, b2 and a2 are precision 3.5 mm female connectors
and mate with precision 3.5 mm male connectors.
The TEST SET INTERCONNECT connector is a series D subminiature
female connector with 7 RF cavities. It mates with the corresponding male
The 8510 SYSTEM BUS connector is a female GPIB type connector and
mates with the corresponding male connectors of GPIB cables.
Power and Control
The following connections, with the exception of line power, are illustrated
in Figure 3-3 on page 3-5. That figure also shows connections required for
the RF source.
1. Connect the line cord between an electrical outlet and the line module to
supply power to the frequency converter.
2. Connect the test set IF interconnect cable from the J11 TEST SET
INTERCONNECT connector on the rear panel of the HP 8511A to the
J1 TEST SET INTERCONNECT connector on the rear panel of the
HP 85102 IF detector.
3. Connect the system bus cable from the HP 8511A J12 HP 8510
SYSTEM BUS connector to the HP 8510 INTERCONNECT
connector of the HP 85101 display/processor. The test set IF
interconnect cable and the system bus cable transmit control signals
between the test set and the network analyzer.
Signal Path
The IF signals from the test set are transmitted to the HP 85102 1F detector
by the test set IF interconnect cable supplied. Longer IF interconnect cables
are available (see “Cables” on page 1-10) of this manual.
RF signals are typically transmitted from the source to the DUT (device
under test) or signal separation devices by 3.5 mm flexible or semi-rigid