HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
General Information
Option 001
Option 001 adds IF switching capability to allow up to four test sets to be
connected to the HP 8510 at the same time. The test set in use is selected
from the HP 8510 front panel. The 20 MHz IF signal is transmitted from the
standard test sets through the option 001 test set to the HP 8510. IF
switching is performed automatically by the option 001 test set, without
Option 908
Option 908 supplies the test set with the parts required to rack mount it with
the handles removed. Refer to Chapter 3, “Installation” of this manual for
additional information.
Option 910
Provides a duplicate test set manual at the time of purchase.
Option 913
Option 913 supplies the test set with the parts required to rack mount it with
handles. Refer to Chapter 3, “Installation” of this manual for additional