HP 8511A Test Set Operating and Service Manual
After selecting the active test set, perform the system calibration procedure
as usual. When you select a different test set, make sure that you recall the
cal set that applies to that test set.
Since the cal set limited instrument state does not include the number of the
active test set, a cal set which does not apply to the current test set can be
turned on without any HP 8510 caution messages appearing. This will cause
errors in the displayed data because incorrect error coefficients are applied to
the measured data.
It may be convenient to store a hardware state file and an instrument state
file for each combination of test set and cal set. You may also store your
hardware sate file on a disk for future use. To change the configuration,
simply recall the appropriate hardware state file, which sets the address of
test set and issues the RF switch command, then the appropriate instrument
state file, which recalls the cal set.