Using the freezer to its full potential
• Do not re-freeze food that is defrosting or that has already
been defrosted. These foods must be cooked and eaten
(within 24 hours).
• Fresh food that needs to be frozen must not come into
contact with food that has already been defrosted.
Fresh food must be stored above the grill in the freezer
compartment and if possible be in direct contact with the
walls (side and rear), where the temperature drops below
-18°C and guarantees rapid freezing.
• Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids, and which
are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because
they could break.
• The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen
daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical
properties located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator
compartment (for example: Kg/24h: 4)
Do not open the door during freezing.
If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer
door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer,
ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours.
If the room temperature drops below 14°C for an extended
period of time, the ideal temperature will not be reached in the
freezer compartment and food preservation will be reduced.
Maintenance and care
Switching the appliance off
During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect
the appliance from the electricity supply.
It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on
(appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact.
Cleaning the appliance
• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber seals
may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in
lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda or neutral soap. Do
not use solvents, abrasive products, bleach or ammonia.
• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm water
and soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry them
• The back of the appliance may collect dust which can be
removed by delicately using the hose of a vacuum cleaner
set on medium power. The appliance must be switched
off and the plug must be pulled out before cleaning the
Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours
• The appliance is manufactured with hygienic materials which
are odour free. In order to maintain an odour free refrigerator
and to prevent the formation of stains, food must always be
covered or sealed properly.
• If you want to switch the appliance off for an extended
period of time, clean the inside and leave the doors open.
Defrosting the appliance
Follow the instructions below.
Do not speed up the defrosting process by using any devices
or tools other than the scraper provided, you may damage the
refrigeration circuit.
Food hygiene
1. Once you have bought your food, remove all external
packaging made of paper/cardboard or other wrappers,
which could introduce bacteria or dirt inside your
2. Protect the food, (especially easily perishable items and
those that have a strong smell), in order to avoid contact
between them, thereby removing both the possibility of
germ/bacteria contamination as well as the diffusion of
strong odours inside the fridge.
3. Store all food in such a way as to ensure air can circulate
freely between different items.
4. Keep the inside of your fridge clean, taking care not to use
oxidiser or abrasive products.
5. Remove all food past its expiry date from the refrigerator.
6. For the correct preservation of food, all easily perishable
items (soft cheeses, raw fish, meat, etc.) should be stored in
the coldest zone of the fridge compartment, i.e. just above
the salad crisper where the temperature indicator is situated.
Defrosting the refrigerator compartment
The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function: water is
ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge
outlet (see diagram) where the heat produced by the
compressor causes it to evaporate. It is necessary to clean the
discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out easily.
Defrosting the freezer compartment
If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to defrost
1. Set the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to the position
2. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in another
freezer or in a cool place.
3. Leave the door open until the frost has melted completely.
This can be made easier by placing containers with
lukewarm water in the freezer compartment.
4. Clean and dry the freezer compartment carefully before
switching the appliance on again.
5. Wait for approximately 2 hours, i.e. until the ideal storage
conditions have been restored, before placing food in the
freezer compartment.
Replacing the light bulb
To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment, pull
out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions
Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in the
diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power
range indicated on the cover (15W or 25W).
Using the freezer to its full potential
• Do not re-freeze food that is defrosting or that has already
been defrosted. These foods must be cooked and eaten
(within 24 hours).
• Fresh food that needs to be frozen must not come into
contact with food that has already been defrosted.
Fresh food must be stored above the grill in the freezer
compartment and if possible be in direct contact with the
walls (side and rear), where the temperature drops below
-18°C and guarantees rapid freezing.
• Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids, and which
are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because
they could break.
• The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen
daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical
properties located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator
compartment (for example: Kg/24h: 4)
Do not open the door during freezing.
If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer
door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer,
ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours.
If the room temperature drops below 14°C for an extended
period of time, the ideal temperature will not be reached in the
freezer compartment and food preservation will be reduced.
Maintenance and care
Switching the appliance off
During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect
the appliance from the electricity supply.
It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on
(appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact.
Cleaning the appliance
• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber seals
may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in
lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda or neutral soap. Do
not use solvents, abrasive products, bleach or ammonia.
• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm water
and soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry them
• The back of the appliance may collect dust which can be
removed by delicately using the hose of a vacuum cleaner
set on medium power. The appliance must be switched
off and the plug must be pulled out before cleaning the
Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours
• The appliance is manufactured with hygienic materials which
are odour free. In order to maintain an odour free refrigerator
and to prevent the formation of stains, food must always be
covered or sealed properly.
• If you want to switch the appliance off for an extended
period of time, clean the inside and leave the doors open.
Defrosting the appliance
Follow the instructions below.
Do not speed up the defrosting process by using any devices
or tools other than the scraper provided, you may damage the
refrigeration circuit.
Food hygiene
1. Once you have bought your food, remove all external
packaging made of paper/cardboard or other wrappers,
which could introduce bacteria or dirt inside your
2. Protect the food, (especially easily perishable items and
those that have a strong smell), in order to avoid contact
between them, thereby removing both the possibility of
germ/bacteria contamination as well as the diffusion of
strong odours inside the fridge.
3. Store all food in such a way as to ensure air can circulate
freely between different items.
4. Keep the inside of your fridge clean, taking care not to use
oxidiser or abrasive products.
5. Remove all food past its expiry date from the refrigerator.
6. For the correct preservation of food, all easily perishable
items (soft cheeses, raw fish, meat, etc.) should be stored in
the coldest zone of the fridge compartment, i.e. just above
the salad crisper where the temperature indicator is situated.
Defrosting the refrigerator compartment
The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function: water is
ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge
outlet (see diagram) where the heat produced by the
compressor causes it to evaporate. It is necessary to clean the
discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out easily.
Defrosting the freezer compartment
If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to defrost
1. Set the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to the position
2. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in another
freezer or in a cool place.
3. Leave the door open until the frost has melted completely.
This can be made easier by placing containers with
lukewarm water in the freezer compartment.
4. Clean and dry the freezer compartment carefully before
switching the appliance on again.
5. Wait for approximately 2 hours, i.e. until the ideal storage
conditions have been restored, before placing food in the
freezer compartment.
Replacing the light bulb
To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment, pull
out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions
Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in the
diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power
range indicated on the cover (15W or 25W).
Najlepszy sposób użytkowania zamrażarki
• Nie zamrażać ponownie artykułów spożywczych, które
są całkowicie lub w części rozmrożone. Takie artykuły
należy ugotować lub zjeść (w ciągu 24 godzin).
• Świeże produkty, które mają być zamrożone, nie mogą się
stykać z produktami już odmrożonymi.
Świeżą żywność należy przechowywać nad kratką w
komorze zamrażarki i, jeżeli to możliwe, powinna się ona
stykać bezpośrednio ze ściankami (bocznymi i tylną),
gdzie temperatura jest niższa niż -18°C i zapewnia szybkie
• Nie wkładać do zamrażarki szklanych butelek z płynami
zamkniętych hermetycznie lub korkiem, ponieważ mogą
• Maksymalna ilość artykułów spożywczych, jakie mogą
być zamrożone w danym dniu, jest wskazana na tabliczce
znamionowej zawierającej informacje na temat właściwości
technicznych, która znajduje się u dołu po lewej stronie
komory chłodziarki (np. 4 kg/24 h).
! Podczas fazy zamrażania nie otwierać drzwi.
! W przypadku przerwy w dopływie prądu lub w przypadku
awarii, nie otwierać drzwi zamrażarki. Pozwoli to na utrzymanie
temperatury wewnątrz zamrażarki i zabezpieczenie żywności
przez 9–14 godzin.
! Jeśli temperatura w pomieszczeniu spadnie poniżej 14°C na
dłuższy czas, w komorze zamrażarki nie zostanie osiągnięta
idealna temperatura, a skuteczność przechowywania żywności
będzie zmniejszona.
Czyszczenie i konserwacja
Wyłączanie urządzenia
Podczas czyszczenia i konserwacji urządzenia należy odłączyć
je od zasilania.
Aby całkowicie odłączyć ładunki elektryczne, nie wystarczy
ustawić pokrętła regulacji temperatury w położenie wyłączone (•).
Czyszczenie urządzenia
• Części zewnętrzne, części wewnętrzne oraz gumowe
uszczelki należy myć gąbką zmoczoną w letniej wodzie
z sodą oczyszczoną lub neutralnym mydłem. Nie używać
rozpuszczalników, środków żrących, wybielaczy ani
• Części, które da się wyjąć, mogą być myte w ciepłej wodzie
z mydłem lub płynem do mycia naczyń. Ostrożnie wypłukać
i dokładnie wysuszyć.
• Tył urządzenia pokrywa się kurzem, który można delikatnie
usunąć odkurzaczem ustawionym na średnią moc. Przed
rozpoczęciem czyszczenia urządzenia należy je wyłączyć i
wyjąć wtyczkę z gniazda.
Unikanie pleśni i nieprzyjemnych
• Urządzenie zostało wyprodukowane z higienicznych
surowców, które nie wytwarzają zapachów. Aby utrzymać
chłodziarkę wolną od zapachów i zapobiec tworzeniu
się plam, żywność musi być zawsze zakryta i dobrze
• W przypadku gdy urządzenie zostanie wyłączone na
dłuższy czas, należy je umyć, a drzwi pozostawić otwarte.
Rozmrażanie urządzenia
! Postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami podanymi poniżej.
Nie należy przyspieszać procesu rozmrażania za pomocą
urządzeń lub narzędzi innych niż dostarczony skrobak – może
to spowodować uszkodzenie obwodu chłodniczego.
Higiena żywności
1. Po zakupie żywności należy usunąć wszystkie zewnętrzne
opakowania wykonane z papieru/tektury lub inne
opakowania, które mogą wprowadzić do chłodziarki
bakterie lub brud.
2. Należy chronić żywność (szczególnie artykuły łatwo
psujące się i te, które mają silny zapach) przez unikanie
kontaktu między poszczególnymi produktami. W ten sposób
zapobiega się zarówno możliwości zanieczyszczenia
zarazkami/bakteriami, jak i powstawaniu silnych zapachów
wewnątrz chłodziarki.
3. Przechowywać całą żywność w taki sposób, aby powietrze
mogło swobodnie krążyć między różnymi artykułami.
4. Utrzymywać wnętrze chłodziarki w czystości, pamiętając,
aby nie stosować utleniaczy ani środków ściernych.
5. Usunąć z chłodziarki wszystkie produkty po upływie daty
6. W celu zachowania odpowiednich właściwości żywności
wszystkie łatwo psujące się produkty (sery miękkie,
surowe ryby, mięso itp.) powinny być przechowywane
w najzimniejszej strefie komory chłodziarki, czyli tuż nad
szufladą na owoce i warzywa, gdzie znajduje się wskaźnik
Odszranianie komory chłodziarki
Chłodziarka jest wyposażona w funkcję automatycznego
rozmrażania: woda jest odprowadzana do tylnej części
urządzenia za pomocą specjalnego otworu wylotowego (patrz
rysunek), a ciepło wytwarzane przez sprężarkę powoduje jej
odparowanie. Konieczne jest regularne czyszczenie otworu
wylotowego, aby woda mogła łatwo wypłynąć.
Using the freezer to its full potential
• Do not re-freeze food that is defrosting or that has already
been defrosted. These foods must be cooked and eaten
(within 24 hours).
• Fresh food that needs to be frozen must not come into
contact with food that has already been defrosted.
Fresh food must be stored above the grill in the freezer
compartment and if possible be in direct contact with the
walls (side and rear), where the temperature drops below
-18°C and guarantees rapid freezing.
• Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids, and which
are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because
they could break.
• The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen
daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical
properties located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator
compartment (for example: Kg/24h: 4)
Do not open the door during freezing.
If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer
door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer,
ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours.
If the room temperature drops below 14°C for an extended
period of time, the ideal temperature will not be reached in the
freezer compartment and food preservation will be reduced.
Maintenance and care
Switching the appliance off
During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect
the appliance from the electricity supply.
It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on
(appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact.
Cleaning the appliance
• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber seals
may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in
lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda or neutral soap. Do
not use solvents, abrasive products, bleach or ammonia.
• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm water
and soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry them
• The back of the appliance may collect dust which can be
removed by delicately using the hose of a vacuum cleaner
set on medium power. The appliance must be switched
off and the plug must be pulled out before cleaning the
Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours
• The appliance is manufactured with hygienic materials which
are odour free. In order to maintain an odour free refrigerator
and to prevent the formation of stains, food must always be
covered or sealed properly.
• If you want to switch the appliance off for an extended
period of time, clean the inside and leave the doors open.
Defrosting the appliance
Follow the instructions below.
Do not speed up the defrosting process by using any devices
or tools other than the scraper provided, you may damage the
refrigeration circuit.
Food hygiene
1. Once you have bought your food, remove all external
packaging made of paper/cardboard or other wrappers,
which could introduce bacteria or dirt inside your
2. Protect the food, (especially easily perishable items and
those that have a strong smell), in order to avoid contact
between them, thereby removing both the possibility of
germ/bacteria contamination as well as the diffusion of
strong odours inside the fridge.
3. Store all food in such a way as to ensure air can circulate
freely between different items.
4. Keep the inside of your fridge clean, taking care not to use
oxidiser or abrasive products.
5. Remove all food past its expiry date from the refrigerator.
6. For the correct preservation of food, all easily perishable
items (soft cheeses, raw fish, meat, etc.) should be stored in
the coldest zone of the fridge compartment, i.e. just above
the salad crisper where the temperature indicator is situated.
Defrosting the refrigerator compartment
The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function: water is
ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge
outlet (see diagram) where the heat produced by the
compressor causes it to evaporate. It is necessary to clean the
discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out easily.
Defrosting the freezer compartment
If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to defrost
1. Set the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to the position
2. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in another
freezer or in a cool place.
3. Leave the door open until the frost has melted completely.
This can be made easier by placing containers with
lukewarm water in the freezer compartment.
4. Clean and dry the freezer compartment carefully before
switching the appliance on again.
5. Wait for approximately 2 hours, i.e. until the ideal storage
conditions have been restored, before placing food in the
freezer compartment.
Replacing the light bulb
To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment, pull
out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions
Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in the
diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power
range indicated on the cover (15W or 25W).
Rozmrażanie komory zamrażarki
Jeżeli warstwa szronu jest większa niż 5 mm, konieczne jest
ręczne rozmrażanie:
1. Ustawić pokrętło REGULACJI TEMPERATURY w położenie
2. Zawinąć mrożone potrawy w gazetę i umieścić je w innej
zamrażarce lub w chłodnym miejscu.
3. Pozostawić otwarte drzwi, aż nagromadzony szron
całkowicie się roztopi. Można to ułatwić przez umieszczenie
pojemnika z letnią wodą w komorze zamrażarki.
4. Przed ponownym włączeniem urządzenia należy dokładnie
wyczyścić i wysuszyć komorę zamrażarki.
5. Przed umieszczeniem żywności w zamrażarce należy
odczekać około 2 godzin, czyli do momentu przywrócenia
idealnych warunków przechowywania.
Wymiana żarówki
Aby wymienić żarówkę w komorze chłodziarki, należy najpierw
wyciągnąć wtyczkę z gniazda zasilania. Postępować zgodnie
z instrukcjami podanymi poniżej.
Zdjąć osłonę, aby uzyskać dostęp do żarówki, jak pokazano
na rysunku. Wymienić na taką samą żarówkę o mocy
wskazanej na osłonie (15 W lub 25 W).
Using the freezer to its full potential
• Do not re-freeze food that is defrosting or that has already
been defrosted. These foods must be cooked and eaten
(within 24 hours).
• Fresh food that needs to be frozen must not come into
contact with food that has already been defrosted.
Fresh food must be stored above the grill in the freezer
compartment and if possible be in direct contact with the
walls (side and rear), where the temperature drops below
-18°C and guarantees rapid freezing.
• Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids, and which
are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because
they could break.
• The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen
daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical
properties located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator
compartment (for example: Kg/24h: 4)
Do not open the door during freezing.
If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer
door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer,
ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours.
If the room temperature drops below 14°C for an extended
period of time, the ideal temperature will not be reached in the
freezer compartment and food preservation will be reduced.
Maintenance and care
Switching the appliance off
During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect
the appliance from the electricity supply.
It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on
(appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact.
Cleaning the appliance
• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber seals
may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in
lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda or neutral soap. Do
not use solvents, abrasive products, bleach or ammonia.
• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm water
and soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry them
• The back of the appliance may collect dust which can be
removed by delicately using the hose of a vacuum cleaner
set on medium power. The appliance must be switched
off and the plug must be pulled out before cleaning the
Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours
• The appliance is manufactured with hygienic materials which
are odour free. In order to maintain an odour free refrigerator
and to prevent the formation of stains, food must always be
covered or sealed properly.
• If you want to switch the appliance off for an extended
period of time, clean the inside and leave the doors open.
Defrosting the appliance
Follow the instructions below.
Do not speed up the defrosting process by using any devices
or tools other than the scraper provided, you may damage the
refrigeration circuit.
Food hygiene
1. Once you have bought your food, remove all external
packaging made of paper/cardboard or other wrappers,
which could introduce bacteria or dirt inside your
2. Protect the food, (especially easily perishable items and
those that have a strong smell), in order to avoid contact
between them, thereby removing both the possibility of
germ/bacteria contamination as well as the diffusion of
strong odours inside the fridge.
3. Store all food in such a way as to ensure air can circulate
freely between different items.
4. Keep the inside of your fridge clean, taking care not to use
oxidiser or abrasive products.
5. Remove all food past its expiry date from the refrigerator.
6. For the correct preservation of food, all easily perishable
items (soft cheeses, raw fish, meat, etc.) should be stored in
the coldest zone of the fridge compartment, i.e. just above
the salad crisper where the temperature indicator is situated.
Defrosting the refrigerator compartment
The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function: water is
ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge
outlet (see diagram) where the heat produced by the
compressor causes it to evaporate. It is necessary to clean the
discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out easily.
Defrosting the freezer compartment
If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to defrost
1. Set the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to the position
2. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in another
freezer or in a cool place.
3. Leave the door open until the frost has melted completely.
This can be made easier by placing containers with
lukewarm water in the freezer compartment.
4. Clean and dry the freezer compartment carefully before
switching the appliance on again.
5. Wait for approximately 2 hours, i.e. until the ideal storage
conditions have been restored, before placing food in the
freezer compartment.
Replacing the light bulb
To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment, pull
out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions
Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in the
diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power
range indicated on the cover (15W or 25W).
Using the freezer to its full potential
• Do not re-freeze food that is defrosting or that has already
been defrosted. These foods must be cooked and eaten
(within 24 hours).
• Fresh food that needs to be frozen must not come into
contact with food that has already been defrosted.
Fresh food must be stored above the grill in the freezer
compartment and if possible be in direct contact with the
walls (side and rear), where the temperature drops below
-18°C and guarantees rapid freezing.
• Do not place glass bottles which contain liquids, and which
are corked or hermetically sealed in the freezer because
they could break.
• The maximum quantity of food that may be frozen
daily is indicated on the plate containing the technical
properties located on the bottom left side of the refrigerator
compartment (for example: Kg/24h: 4)
Do not open the door during freezing.
If there is a power cut or malfunction, do not open the freezer
door. This will help maintain the temperature inside the freezer,
ensuring that foods are conserved for at least 9 -14 hours.
If the room temperature drops below 14°C for an extended
period of time, the ideal temperature will not be reached in the
freezer compartment and food preservation will be reduced.
Maintenance and care
Switching the appliance off
During cleaning and maintenance it is necessary to disconnect
the appliance from the electricity supply.
It is not sufficient to set the temperature adjustment knobs on
(appliance off) to eliminate all electrical contact.
Cleaning the appliance
• The external and internal parts, as well as the rubber seals
may be cleaned using a sponge that has been soaked in
lukewarm water and bicarbonate of soda or neutral soap. Do
not use solvents, abrasive products, bleach or ammonia.
• The removable accessories may be soaked in warm water
and soap or dishwashing liquid. Rinse and dry them
• The back of the appliance may collect dust which can be
removed by delicately using the hose of a vacuum cleaner
set on medium power. The appliance must be switched
off and the plug must be pulled out before cleaning the
Avoiding mould and unpleasant odours
• The appliance is manufactured with hygienic materials which
are odour free. In order to maintain an odour free refrigerator
and to prevent the formation of stains, food must always be
covered or sealed properly.
• If you want to switch the appliance off for an extended
period of time, clean the inside and leave the doors open.
Defrosting the appliance
Follow the instructions below.
Do not speed up the defrosting process by using any devices
or tools other than the scraper provided, you may damage the
refrigeration circuit.
Food hygiene
1. Once you have bought your food, remove all external
packaging made of paper/cardboard or other wrappers,
which could introduce bacteria or dirt inside your
2. Protect the food, (especially easily perishable items and
those that have a strong smell), in order to avoid contact
between them, thereby removing both the possibility of
germ/bacteria contamination as well as the diffusion of
strong odours inside the fridge.
3. Store all food in such a way as to ensure air can circulate
freely between different items.
4. Keep the inside of your fridge clean, taking care not to use
oxidiser or abrasive products.
5. Remove all food past its expiry date from the refrigerator.
6. For the correct preservation of food, all easily perishable
items (soft cheeses, raw fish, meat, etc.) should be stored in
the coldest zone of the fridge compartment, i.e. just above
the salad crisper where the temperature indicator is situated.
Defrosting the refrigerator compartment
The refrigerator has an automatic defrosting function: water is
ducted to the back of the appliance by a special discharge
outlet (see diagram) where the heat produced by the
compressor causes it to evaporate. It is necessary to clean the
discharge hole regularly so that the water can flow out easily.
Defrosting the freezer compartment
If the frost layer is greater than 5 mm, it is necessary to defrost
1. Set the TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENT knob to the position
2. Wrap frozen foods in newspaper and place them in another
freezer or in a cool place.
3. Leave the door open until the frost has melted completely.
This can be made easier by placing containers with
lukewarm water in the freezer compartment.
4. Clean and dry the freezer compartment carefully before
switching the appliance on again.
5. Wait for approximately 2 hours, i.e. until the ideal storage
conditions have been restored, before placing food in the
freezer compartment.
Replacing the light bulb
To replace the light bulb in the refrigerator compartment, pull
out the plug from the electrical socket. Follow the instructions
Access the light bulb by removing the cover as indicated in the
diagram. Replace it with a similar light bulb within the power
range indicated on the cover (15W or 25W).
Содержание MTAA 24S
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