Turn the regulator adjustment knob slowly in the clockwise direction until the low pressure
gauge indicates a reading of no more than 1Bar (14.5PSI). Look at the cartridge and
connections in the water to ensure no bubbles are appearing under water. If you see
bubbles close the cylinder valve, stop this procedure, and go back to step 1. If problems
persist, please contact your professional suppliers for technical support.
After completing steps 1-10, turn the regulator knob slowly until the outlet low pressure
gauge indicates the reading 30Bar (435PSI). Wait for 30 minutes. Please ensure no
bubbles are released inside the water basin during this process. If you see bubbles, close
the pressure cylinder valve, stop the process and contact technical support.
After 30 minutes, check if the pressure is below 30 Bar (435PSI). If it is, continue the
refilling process until it reaches a constant pressure of 30Bar (435PSI), otherwise unscrew
the regulator knob (counter clockwise) until you feel it loosens. The low pressure gauge
reading should remain at 30Bar (435PSI).
Close the compressed cylinder valve.
Remove the cartridge and all connections from the water basin. Unscrew the cartridge from
the SWAGELOK connector assembly quickly. This will ensure the cartridge will not release
much hydrogen into the air.