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W8710A Equipment Monitoring System
The W8710A Equipment Monitoring System provides HVAC
system performance monitoring and reporting. It sends a fax
report when it detects that the HVAC system is operating
outside of specifications, when the temperature in the home is
too hot or too cold, and when a power outage occurs and
when it is restored.
• Sends monthly check-in reports to confirm that the
Equipment Monitoring System is operating correctly.
• With the optional Customer Alert Switch, the
homeowner can periodically request a system update.
• Supports two inputs for optional sensors such as the
Water Alert Float Switch.
• Comes preset with one year of monitoring included.
After one year, the annual monitoring service must be
renewed to continue to receive reports.
• Operates on a small, highly specialized computer that
analyzes information received from its precision air
measurement sensors and your system thermostat.
• Automatically sends an alarm report when your
heating and cooling system is not operating at
designed specifications.
• Automatically sends an alarm report if the temperature
in your home becomes too hot or too cold.
• Automatically sends an alarm report when you have a
power outage longer than one hour and sends another
report when power is restored.
• Automatically sends a monthly check-in report to
confirm that the W8710A is operating correctly.
• Designed to cause minimal interruption to your phone
line. It does not disrupt ongoing phone conversations,
phone line usage of your personal computer modem or
an answering machine.
• Does not alter the operation or warranty of your air
conditioner, furnace or heat pump system.
Specifications/Ordering Information ..................................2
Registration .......................................................................3
Installation .........................................................................3
Wiring ................................................................................4
Startup and Checkout........................................................6