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1 Dec 2003
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Table 19. CTA-81B Control Unit Controls and Indicators
(See Figure 11)
Function Selector Switch
ATC 1 TA/RA Position
The Mode S transponder transmits squitters and replies fully to the
Mode S, ATCRBS Mode C, and Mode A interrogations. The TCAS
broadcasts and does all the Mode S and ATCRBS surveillance and
tracking functions. The TCAS gives the traffic displays for RA, TA,
proximity, and nonthreat category aircraft
(NOTE 3.)
, gives RA and
TA alerts, and transmits resolution advisories on the TA/VSI or
(NOTE 4.)
On-the-Ground - The Mode S transponder squitters and replies
fully to Mode S interrogations. Depending on the Mode S
transponder strapping, the transponder replies fully or does not
reply to the Mode S, ATCRBS Mode C, and Mode A interrogations.
The power is removed from ATCRBS transponder. The TCAS
defaults to TA ONLY mode (TCAS sensitivity level No. 2) and
functions as shown for the Function Selector switch ATC 1 TA
Position (on-the-ground), in this table.
ATC 2 ON Position
Puts the Mode S transponder and the TCAS in STANDBY mode
and turns on the ATCRBS transponder to full on condition.
ATC 2 STBY Position
Puts the Mode S transponder, the TCAS, and the ATCRBS
transponder in STANDBY mode.
ATC 2 TEST Position
Starts functional test for the ATCRBS transponder. Refer to the
ATCRBS transponder maintenance manual for the details. The
Mode S transponder and TCAS stay in STANDBY.