Page 8
1 Dec 2003
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Table 1. TCAS System Components (Honeywell Supplied)
Equipment Type
Part Number
TA/VSI (Traffic Advisory/Vertical Speed Indicator) (cont)
IVA-81A/IVA-81D (cont)
IVA-81A: 066-50001
IVA-81D: 066-01171
The vertical speed display operates from pneumatic
or air data electrical input. The display receives RA,
traffic, and TCAS mode data on a high-speed
ARINC 429 bus through the TPA-100A TCAS
processor. RA command data is shown around the
edge of the vertical speed scale.
Built-in-test continuously monitors for a loss of
primary power, internal IVA-81A/D failures, altitude
rate input failures, and gives a discrete display valid
status signal to the TCAS processor. The strap
inputs are supplied to set the vertical speed input
source and system variables.
The IVA-81A/D receives 115 V, 400 Hz or 28 V dc
primary power and 5 V ac or dc or 28 V dc panel
lighting power from the aircraft power sources. The
IVA-81A/D requires a ±12 V reference input if an
ARINC 575 altitude rate input is used or a 26 V ac
reference input if an ARINC 565 analog altitude rate
input is used.