Table of Contents
AutoSet 1500 User Manual
How to use this manual
This is the installation and reference manual for AutoSet 1500. It has information about
how to install and use AutoSet 1500 to monitor load.
Chapter 1 introduces you to AutoSet 1500, tells how it works, lists features, and
explains how to use AutoSet.
Chapter 2 is the installation chapter. Use it to install AutoSet 1500 if you are
installing AutoSet yourself. Note that the 1500 processor board has changed. This is
covered in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 talks about calibration. Read this chapter to calibrate AutoSet properly.
Chapter 4 explains how to use AutoSet. Use it to create and adjust setpoints.
Chapter 5 talks about what happens when AutoSet stops the press and what to do to
remedy the situation. It displays the alarms that AutoSet will provide, explains what
they mean, and how to correct them. This chapter also discusses how to troubleshoot
certain situations that may occur during normal press operation.
Appendix A explains how to install AutoSet 1500 as a panel mount. Mounting and
"cutout" dimensions are provided.
Appendix B is specifically included for specially modified AutoSet monitors with
custom selectable sampling. It explains how to use stroke sampling for 1, 15, 30,
and 60 strokes.