AutoSet 1500 User Manual
Ch 4
Creating setpoints for the job
1. You are ready to create setpoints for the job. How you do this depends on
your operation.
If your operation is continuous stroke:
A. Press and hold the RESET button for at least two seconds until
the setpoint displays flash and change to 120% of the press's full
scale tonnage. This action tells AutoSet to calculate new
setpoints when the press is started.
If your press produces erratic tonnage at start-up
Some presses have erratic tonnage at start-up. In these cases, press the reset
button to recalculate setpoints again after the press is started and tonnage has
stabilized. This allows AutoSet to ignore the strokes producing erratic tonnage.
You can eliminate this problem completely by installing a zero cam switch as
described in Chapter 2. Then you can reset before starting the press, and AutoSet
will automatically ignore erratic tonnage at start-up. It is a good idea to install the
switch on any press where this problem occurs. That is because if you forget to
reset after starting the press, your setpoints may be too high and you will not have
adequate protection—or too low and AutoSet will stop the press unnecessarily.
B. Start and run the press. After the sample period is completed,
AutoSet will display new setpoints based on the sampled load. If
AutoSet shuts down the press because these setpoints are
exceeded at one or both strain links, go to Step 2. (You know
AutoSet stopped the press if one or both LOAD displays flash.)
C. If the press does not stop after the sample period is completed, run
the press for about 20 more strokes beyond the sample period. See
if AutoSet stops the press. Then stop the press and go to Step 2.
If your operation is set up for single stroke:
A. Press the RESET button for approximately two seconds before
starting the press. Make sure you hold the button down until the
setpoint displays flash and change to 120% of full scale tonnage.
This tells AutoSet to calculate new setpoints.
B. Run the press and make a part. Keep making parts until the
number of strokes exceeds the strokes set in the sample period.
After the sample period ends, setpoints will be created based on
the highest load produced during the sample period.
C. If AutoSet signals an overload after the sample period ended, go
to Step 2. (You know an overload occurred if one or both LOAD
displays flash and you cannot cycle the press.)
D. If AutoSet does not shut down operation, cycle the press a few
more times to see if AutoSet stops operation. Then go to Step 2.
2. Proceed below based on whether or not AutoSet shut down the press in
Step 1. However, be sure you understand the difference between a
nuisance stop
and a
tonnage fault
before you go any further.