AutoSet 1500 User Manual
Ch 1
How tonnage is recorded on the AutoSet displays
The way AutoSet displays tonnage depends on the full scale tonnage of your press. (You
make the full scale tonnage setting during calibration.)
200 tons or less
If AutoSet is set to a full scale tonnage of 200 tons or less, it displays tonnage up to 100
tons in tenths of a ton ( 5.5, 6.0, 45.5, 90.1, 99.9, etc). Over 100 tons, it displays tonnage
in whole numbers only.
Between 200 and 1500 tons
For presses with full scale tonnage between 200 and 1500 tons, AutoSet displays only
whole numbers for tonnage (5, 10, 200 750, etc).
Over 1500 tons
For presses with full scale tonnage over 1500 tons, you must multiply the displayed ton-
nage by 10. For instance, a display of 5.5 tons would be 55 tons, a display of 105 tons
would be 1050 tons, and so on. (See "setting full scale tonnage" in Chapter 2 for more
details on how AutoSet displays tonnage.)
Strain links
Strain links are the sensors used by AutoSet to measure press tonnage. Strain links are
mounted to the press frame, or other structural members, where strain is proportional to
load and are wired to AutoSet. Two strain links are used. The strain links convert press
frame deflection into an electrical signal. They detect and measure the forces -- tension or
compression -- acting on the press frame.
When the press is loaded, the strain link is either stretched or compressed. On straight
side presses, strain links measure tension (stretching of the frame). On gap frame presses
(OBI or OBG), strain links can measure either tension (front mounted) or compression
(rear mounted). The tensile (or compressive) force changes the output signal of the
resistance bridge located inside the strain link body. The electrical signal sent to the
AutoSet 1500 is proportional to the force being exerted by the press.
The two strain links provided with the AutoSet 1500 are called differential strain links.
The part number on your links should be 9641601 (30' cable), 9641602 (100' cable), or
9641801 (with Hirschmann connector), depending on the cable length or connector you
choose. Contact Data Instruments before trying to use any other strain link.
Strain link mounting is described in Chapter 2– Installation.
AutoSet must be calibrated before use. To calibrate, you first load the press to a certain
tonnage using load cells. You measure tonnage on an independent load monitor you
know will give correct readings. You then adjust the tonnage readings on AutoSet until
they match the tonnage readings of the independent load monitor.
Calibration is covered
in Chapter 3