AutoSet 1500 User Manual
Ch 2
slot for wire
tightening screw
clamps wire in slot
Figure 2-4. Inserting wires into connector
9. Connect one of the wires from the press control stop circuit to the terminals
marked N/O (normally open) and the other wire to C (common). It does not
matter which wire goes to which terminal.
10. Plug the connector back into its terminal. Double check connections with
markings at the connector base to make sure you did not wire it backwards. (Note:
first "GND" from left in Figure 2-3 is not used).
11. Make all necessary conduit connections to ensure NEMA 12 protection.
12. Replace the power supply cover removed earlier. Snap in the white plastic plugs
at the bottom of the cover and tighten down screw at top.
13. Do not connect wires to AC power source until you are done with all other
installation procedures. Also make sure you number all wires in a way consistent
with your press's electrical prints.
Do not connect AC wires to the power source until
after all other installation procedures are finished.
14. Go on to the next procedure, mounting strain links.