AutoSet 1500 User Manual
Ch 3
6. Find the potentiometer for zeroing the link. It is a small cube on the circuit board
with a tiny screw on top as shown below.
circuit board
adjusting screw on potentiometer
cover mounting
Figure 3-1. Zeroing screw for strain links
7. Turn the screw on the strain link. You will see the numbers in the upper left display
window change. Adjust the display by turning the screw one way or another until the
display reads between ±5. The setpoint display will now show dashes (- - -).
If you cannot get the tonnage displays to read between ±5, make sure
strain link connections are tight and connector is firmly seated.
Loose connections can cause the problem. If nothing has worked, the
strain link is not working properly. Contact Data Instruments for as-
8. Now begin tightening the strain link screws evenly all around. As you tighten, check the
display. The numbers on the tonnage display will change. When the strain link is fully
tightened (150 inch-pounds), the number on the display must be between ±90.
If the number is not between ±90, loosen and adjust the mounting screws until you get it.
Make sure you get it right. By doing so, you ensure that there is no stress on the link at
no load.
If you cannot get the tonnage displays to read between ±90, you may
have drilled the holes crooked, or there may be some other problem with
the installation. Contact Data Instruments for assistance.
At this point, the setpoint display may say "HI" or "LO" or show dashes ( - - -).
Ignore this display for now. A "HI" or "LO" means the setting is still too close to the
outer limits of the range, but we will take care of that in the next step.