Configuration 3-5
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7665 User manual
Download Configuration
Send the configuration shown on the tool’s
user interface to the Anybus-X module.
Offline Configuration
Offline configuration will allow a configura-
tion to be created and saved without being
connected to a module.
Add I/O Point
Add a new input or output data point to the
J1939 I/O configuration.
Edit I/O Point
Change the parameters associated with the
selected input or output data point in the
J1939 I/O configuration.
Remove I/O Point
Delete the selected input or output data point
from the J1939 I/O configuration.
Flash Update
Perform a field upgrade of the Anybus-X
module’s firmware.
Care should be taken when upgrading
firmware, an incomplete update could cause
irreparable harm to the module.