IT Functionality 9-9
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
All files except files in the directories “\user\pswd\”, “\pswd\” and files named
‘web_accs.cfg’ can be viewed by default. Other directories can be protected by
placing a file called ‘web_accs.cfg’(see “Password Files” on page 8-11) in the
directory to protect. The file contains a list of users that are allowed to browse that
Also, it is possible to configure which IP addresses are allowed to connect to the
web sever, “‘ip_accs.cfg’” on page 8-8.
SSI Functionality
SSI functionality makes it possible to make web pages interact such as changing
the data in the OUT area of the module. It is also possible to include SSI functions
in emails (see “SSI Includes in emails” on page 9-23). The following are available
SSI functions.
Ethernet Address Display Functions
This function returns the currently used IP address.
<?--#exec cmd_argument=’DisplayIP’-->
This function returns the currently used Subnet mask.
<?--#exec cmd:argument=’DisplaySubnet’-->