Module Description 1-3
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
DeviceNet Features
DeviceNet Master scanner functionality supporting up to 63 DeviceNet
slave devices
Explicit Messaging and Bit Strobe, Poll, and Change of State (COS) I/O
Baud rates of 125, 250, and 500 Kbps.
Automatic baud rate detection option may be enabled or disabled.
Automatic Address Recovery can be configured to replace a faulted slave
device with a replacement device at the same MAC ID.
Configuration Recovery can be configured for slave devices so that a
newly replaced slave can be configured to the same settings of the device
it replaces. Combined with Automatic Address Recovery this feature is
known as Automatic Device Recovery (ADR).
Transfers 504 bytes Input (IN) and 500 bytes Output (OUT) I/O.
Ethernet Features
Supports the EtherNet/IP protocol, Adapter Class with I/O Server, Mes-
sage Client, Message Server, and CIP Message Routing.
Supports the Modbus/TCP protocol with up to 8 simultaneous connec-
tions. Conforms to the Modbus/TCP specification 1.0.
Features UDP and TCP/IP protocol stack.
Supports DHCP/Bootp and ARP for IP Address configuration.