Quick Start 4-5
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Step 7: Setting the I/O Byte Swapping Option
If it is desirable to have the Anybus-X byte swap each 16-bit word in the I/O table,
the Byte Swap option must be enabled. (see the explanation of this option in
“DeviceNet I/O Configuration” on page 3-16.)
Highlight the Anybus-X module by left clicking on its icon.
Select the
menu option and pull down menu.
Select the
Class Instance Editor
option. A pop up Message box appears.
Click on
. Another screen appears.
There are several parts to this screen. Make sure the check box titled
ues in Decimal
is NOT checked. At the top right is an
Object Address
with 3 text boxes. Set the values in these boxes as follows:
set to 3.
set to 1.
set to 65h.
To the left of the
Object Class
section is one titled
Service Code
. There’s a
text box with a pull down selection titled
. Pull down the
selections and select “Set Single Attribute”.
The box titled
Data Sent to the Device
is now available. At the far left of
this box enter a “01” to enable byte swapping, or a “00” to disable it. Then
click on the
A message should appear in the
Data received from device box
saying the
execution was completed.
Changes to the byte swapping option do not take effect until the module has
been power cycled.