File System 8-12
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Files within the file system can be protected from web access through username/
password protection. To put username/password protection to files, a file called
‘web_accs.cfg’ must be located in the same directory as the files to protect. If this
file is available, all files within that directory and its subdirectories will be pro-
tected. Multiples of these password files may be present in the system, giving dif-
ferent users access to different files and directories.
The file format is the same as for the ‘ad_pswd.cfg’ and ‘sys_pswd.cfg’ files,
except that the optional parameter ‘Auth Name’ can be added. The value of this
parameter will be presented in the login window as the “Realm”. If it is not given,
the requested file/pathname will be presented instead.
[Auth Name]
(Message goes here)
The contents of this file can be redirected by placing the line ‘[File path]’ on the
first row, followed by a list of password files.
[File path]
In this example, the accepted user/passwords will be loaded from the files
‘\user\pswd\my_passwords\web_pswd.cfg’ and
If any errors in the format of these files is detected the user/password protection
will be ignored.