Status and Diagnostics 10-5
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks
AB7607 User manual
Faulted Nodes Web Page
The Faulted Nodes page indicates which DeviceNet nodes are currently in a
faulted state. If a node is faulted, the page will display “Faulted” next to the node’s
MAC ID. Note that only nodes which are configured as slaves to the Anybus-X
and the Anybus-X itself are updated on this page.
A node is considered faulted if the Anybus-X has lost communications or is
unable to establish communications with the node. The actual problem can be
determined by viewing the Node Status web page.
Invalid Nodes Web Page
The Invalid Nodes page indicates which DeviceNet nodes are not the correct
device type. If a node’s device type is different than that configured in the scan
list, the page will display “Invalid” next to the node’s MAC ID. Note that only
nodes which are configured as slaves to the Anybus-X are updated on this page.
Node Status Web Page
The Node Status page displays the current status of all DeviceNet nodes that are
configured as slaves to the Anybus-X and the Anybus-X itself. The status of each
node is displayed next to the node’s MAC ID. Note that only nodes which are con-
figured as slaves to the Anybus-X and the Anybus-X itself are updated on this
The page will display the status textually for many of the common status values.
However, to save web page size, a lot of the status values are only displayed
numerically. The following table describes the meaning of each status value.
Status Code
Duplicate MAC ID test in progress.
Duplicate MAC ID failure.
Scanner configuration error.
Communications failed with the device.
Incorrect device type.
Table 10-6 Node Status Codes