Sub-Network Parameters
(To gain access to the parameters described in this section, select ‘Sub Net-
work’ in the Navigation Section).
These parameters specify the actual communication settings used for the sub-network.
Start- and End Character
These parameters are only available in Generic Data Mode.
Start and end characters are used to indicate the beginning and end of a serial message. For example, a
message may be initiated with <ESC> and terminated with <LF>. In this case, the Start character would
be 0x1B (ASCII code for <ESC>) and the End character 0x0A (ASCII code for <LF>)
Timing (Message Delimiter)
The parameters in this category differs slightly between the different Protocol Modes.
• Master Mode
The Message Delimiter specifies the time that separates two messages in steps of 10ms. If set to
0 (zero), the gateway will use the standard Modbus delimiter of 3.5 characters (the actual number
of ms will be calculated automatically based on the currently used communication settings).
• Generic Data Mode
The Message Delimiter specifies the time that separates two messages in steps of 10µs.
Valid Settings
Bit rate
Selects the bit rate
Data bits
Selects the number of data bits
7, 8
Selects the parity mode
None, Odd, Even
Physical standard
Selects the physical interface type
RS232, RS422, RS485
Start bits
Number of start bits.
Stop bits
Number of stop bits.
1, 2
Valid settings
End Character Value
End character for the message, ASCII
0x00 - 0xFF
Use End Character
Determines if the End character shall be used or not
Enable / Disable
Start Character Value
Start character for the message, ASCII
0x00 - 0xFF
Use Start Character
Determines if the Start character shall be used or not
Enable / Disable