Chapter 8
As mentioned previously, Commands are actually pre-defined transactions that can be stored and re-
used. Just like regular transactions, commands consist of frame objects and are representations of the
actual serial telegrams exchanged on the serial sub-network.
Adding a command to a node actually results in (a) transaction(s) being added according to the directions
specified in the command. The Frame Objects in such a transaction may retrieve their values not only
from parameters in the parameter section, but also from other sources such as the ‘SlaveAddress’-pa-
rameter (see 5-1 “Node Parameters”). In such case, the parameters in the parameter section will be
greyed out and cannot be edited directly.
In Master Mode, ABC Config Tool comes pre-loaded with commands for most common Modbus RTU
functions. Additional commands can easily be added using the Command Editor (see 8-3 “The Com-
mand Editor”). In Generic Data Mode, no pre-defined commands exist, but custom ones may be im-
plemented as desired.
Adding & Managing Commands
To add a command to a node, right-click on the node in the Navigation Section and select ‘Add Com-
A list of commands will appear:
Select the desired command in the list, and select ‘Add Command’
in the ‘Command’-menu. The specified command will be added
to the node.
Just like other transactions, the frame objects of added command
may be edited in the Navigation/Parameter Section or using the
Transaction Editor. Note however that certain frame objects may
be locked for editing.