The Command Editor
The Command Editor is used to define new commands and edit existing ones. This makes it possible
to build a library of commands, which can be stored and re-used at a later stage.
Note that the Command Editor is somewhat protocol-dependent in the sense that certain frame objects
may not be deleted or altered.
The examples in this section uses Master Mode. The procedures involved are similar in General Data
Mode, but without the limitations imposed by the Modbus RTU protocol.
Basic Navigation
Open the Command Editor by selecting ‘Edit Command’ or ‘Add Command’ from the ‘Command’-
A: Pull-down Menu
B: Name of Command
Actual name of the command, in text form.
C: Command Transactions
This section holds the actual transactions associated with the command. This can either be a
Query-Response pair, or a single transaction, depending on the protocol mode etc.
D: Command ID
This can be used as desired when building the command, e.g. to specify the function code.
E: Other Settings
Allow Broadcasting Specifies if it is allowed to broadcast the command (only relevant in Master Mode)
The command is producing data (Generic Data Mode only)
The command is consuming data (Generic Data Mode only)