Chapter 12
Configuration Wizards
When creating a new sub network configuration, the ABC Config Tool provides a choice between start-
ing out with a blank configuration, or using a predefined template, a.k.a a wizard.
The wizard automatically creates a sub-network configuration based on information supplied by the us-
er, i.e the user simply has to “fill in the blanks”. Note however that this will only work when the sub-
network fits the wizard profile; in all other cases the ‘Blank Configuration’ option must be used.
Selecting a Wizard Profile
The following window appears each time the ABC Config Tool is started, or upon selecting the ‘New’
entry in the ‘File’-menu (unless it has been disabled in the ‘Options’-menu, see 3-3 “Tools”).
Currently, the following wizards are available:
• ABCC ExtLink Wizard
This wizard is intended for use with the Anybus-Com-
pactCom Modbus-RTU fieldbus communication
• Wizard - Modbus RTU Master
This option is suitable for Modbus RTU-based net-
See also 12-2 “Wizard - Modbus RTU Master”.
• Blank Configuration
This option creates an empty configuration.
Highlight the desired wizard and click ‘OK’ to continue.