MQTT > Connection1 > Advanced settings
Open the
Advanced settings
sub sub tab.
Figure 18: MQTT tab, Connection1 > Advanced settings sub sub tab (example)
Value / Value range
Will QoS
Quality of Service Level for the Will Message.
0: "Only once": fire and forget
1: "At least once": acknowledged delivery
2: "Exactly once": assured delivery
Only once (default),
At least once,
Exactly once
Will Prefix
Text that is prefixed to each Will topic. For each single topic can be
configured if this prefix is to be preceded or not.
Text of uppercase and
lowercase letters and
Default: [not specified]
Time for trying to establish a connection (MQTT Connect) to the
broker. If the connection could not be established, then the MQTT
client waits for the duration of 'Connection Timeout' until a new
connection is established to the broker.
Specified in s. = 0 MQTT client
constantly tries to establish a
connection to the broker.
Default: 0
Client identifier
Unique name of the MQTT client in UTF-8 format used at
connection establishment time. All devices that are connected to a
broker, must have a unique name. The name may only consist of
lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers. If the field is
empty, then the broker assigns a name.
max. 23 Bytes for
max. 23 characters,
Default: [Client ID]
Example: “ClientId1”
Table 29: MQTT in port configuration for IO-Link Device, Connection1 > Advanced settings
For MQTT Connection Configuration make the following settings and
configuration steps:
Will QoS
Will Prefix
Connection Timeout
Client Identifier
NFD-3090-PNS-IOLM\W | Hardware, installation and commissioning
DOC201101UM03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2022-02 | Released | Public
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