The upgrading process will last 1 to 10 minutes, do not power off during
the upgrading. The device reboots automatically after upgrading.
Security Service
Click Security → Security Service to enter the settings page.
Enable SSH: When the device needs to be debugged in remote, you can
slide Enable SSH. If the device needn't to be debugged in remote, you
should disable it to improve the device security.
After Settings, click Save to enable the settings.
Certificate Management
Click Security → Cerificate Management to enter the settings page.
Certificate Files
Select Cerificate Type.
Click Create and enter the parameters to create certificate files.
Import Passwords
Select Certificate Type and click to install the certificate file.
Import Communication Certificate
Select Certificate Type and click to install the certificate file.
User Management
Click User Management to enter the settings page.
Click to modify user password, and click OK to save the settings.
We highly recommend you to create a strong password of your own
choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including at least three kinds of
following categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and
special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we
recommend you change your password regularly, especially in the high
Video Intercom Two-Wire Bundle User Manual