Your High Valley Model 2500 must be connected to either a factory-built Type HT chimney or to a masonry chimney with a
liner of a construc on that meets all current code requirements. If the wood heater is to be connected to an exis ng chimney,
have the chimney inspected prior to installing the wood heater by an NFI cer
ed hearth installer, a CSIA chimney sweep, or
a quali
ed mason in the case of a masonry chimney. The chimney must prove to be sound and serviceable and to meet all
applicable codes. An exis ng factory-built chimney must be Type HT, listed to UL-103-HT or ULC-S629 standards. An exist-
ing masonry chimney must have a clay le liner or approved stainless steel insulated liner. The wall thimble or pass-through
construc on should be inspected to ensure it conforms to current NFPA 211 guidelines. The
ue size must not be less than
ue collar or greater than three mes (3X) the cross-sec on of the
ue collar. NOTE: An oversize masonry chimney may
not prove to provide adequate dra and may require the installa on of an insulated liner approved to UL 1777 to func on
sa sfactorily.
If a new chimney is to be constructed to vent the wood heater we strongly advise that the chimney be professionally installed.
Factory-built chimney must be Type HT-2100°F tested to the UL 103 standard and/or ULC S629 standard. An eight inch (8") di-
ameter factory-built chimney is preferred. All components of the factory-built chimney must be from the same manufacturer
and be of the same type to ensure proper connection of components. All chimney components needed for the installation
including but not limited to wall pass-throughs, tees and tee supports, ceiling supports, insulation shields, fire stops, roof
support packages, roof flashings, chimney caps, etc. must be installed exactly to the manufacturer's instructions. Installation
specification and clearances may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and must be carefully adhered to according to the
individual manufacturer's instructions.
If a new masonry chimney is to be constructed, the use of a professional masonry contractor is strongly recommended.
Specialized knowledge is needed to ensure proper construction and support for a masonry chimney. The chimney must be
constructed in accordance with the latest edition of NFPA standard 211 and must conform to all applicable state and local
codes. Wall thimble construction and clearances to combustibles must meet NFPA 211 guidelines. A permit and inspection
may be required by the local Building Official, Fire Official, or other Authority Having Jurisdiction. An eight inch (8") round or
8" x 8" square flue tile is required. The flue tiles must be mortared together with the approved material and provided with an
air space as required by NFPA 211 and applicable codes. It is recommended that the masonry flue tiles be well insulated with
a material approved for the purpose.
The following informa on about chimney construc on and requirements is intended for reference only. The use of a profes-
sional installer is strongly recommended. Speci
c installa on instruc ons and/or requirements must conform to the chimney
manufacturer's instruc ons and/or applicable building codes. Seek the advice of your High Valley Dealer and/or the local
Authority Having Jurisdic on as to local code, permi ng, and inspec on requirements.
• The top of the chimney must be at least two feet ( 2' or 0.6m) taller than the highest point of the roof or any part of the
roof or other structure within ten feet (10' or 3m) measured horizontally from the chimney termina on.
• The chimney must be at least three feet (3' or 0.9m) taller than the high side of the roof penetra on.