A probe style thermometer is provided with the Model 2500. The thermom-
eter is used to monitor the opera ng temperatures of the cataly c combustor elements. Two mounting or "sampling" holes
are provided on the front of the Model 2500, located on either side of the Cataly c Bypass Handle. The choice of which sam-
pling hole to use is personal preference. Either loca on works equally well. If you tend to operate the Bypass Damper with
your right hand, the thermometer may be best located in the le side sampling hole and vice versa. To install the Cataly c
Thermometer, pry one of the metal plugs out of the sampling hole of your choice with a
at bladed screwdriver or a similar
tool. Install the bushing that is included with the Cataly c Thermometer into the ¼" sampling hole. The bushing should
snugly into the sampling hole. Insert the Cataly c Thermometer probe fully into the bushing un l the thermometer dial rests
against the face of the Model 2500. The probe should
t easily into the bushing and should not need to be forced.
Properly posi oned, the p of the thermometer probe is now reading temperatures inside the
rebox and within ½" of the
cataly c combustors. In this posi on the Cataly c Thermometer can accurately measure the temperatures being generated
by the combustors. Please note that the Cataly c Thermometer is a bimetallic design, not an "instant-read" thermometer.
Allow a few minutes for the reading to stabilize. Likewise, the thermometer records temperatures between 0°F and 2000°F
on a rela vely small scale. The readings are intended to show opera ng ranges, not minor degree varia ons.
The Cataly c Thermometer is your best in-
dicator of cataly c combustor performance and condi on. The cataly c combustors
must reach 500°F or more in order for them to ac vate or "light-o
." Be pa ent; it may
take 30 minutes or more to reach these temperatures from a cold start.
• Once thermometer reads between 500°F and 600°F, close the Bypass Damper to
engage the cataly c combustors.
• Con nue to monitor the thermometer. If the cataly c combustors have ac vated,
the temperature should con nue to increase to 1000°F to 1400°F. This is the best
and most e
cient opera ng range. Adjust the combus on air accordingly.
• If temperatures are reading 1400°F or more, reduce the combus on air se ng to
improve e
ciency and prevent damage to the combustors and/or the wood heater.
Cataly c Probe Thermometer
The Cataly c Thermometer is a useful diagnos c tool. If you have closed the Cataly c Bypass but the
temperature does not con nue to rise on the Cataly c Thermometer, the bypass was closed before the combustors were
ac vated. If higher temperatures than normal are needed to ac vate the cataly c combustors, the combustors may need
cleaning or may be reaching the end of their service life. If the cataly c combustors will not "light-o
" at any temperature the
combustors may be plugged with
y ash or creosote. Follow the instruc ons on
Page 20
to clean the combustors.
The Cataly c Thermometer requires li le or no service. According to the manufacturer, a buildup of mate-
rial on the probe is normal and does not a
ect the performance of the thermometer. If you do choose to clean the probe,
stove glass cleaner, made for dissolving creosote on ceramic glass, should be used to gently wipe the probe.
The cataly c combustor technology used in the Model 2500 is similar in many ways to the cata-
ly c converters used on automobiles equipped with internal combus on engines. Both use a noble metal catalyst and, in the
presence of the catalyst, the by-products of combus on (in this case wood smoke) ignite at lower temperatures than they
would normally. Cataly c combustors begin with a base (substrate) of ceramic material. The ceramic is extruded into a hon-
eycomb shape, to maximize the surface area within the combustor, and then
red to make it rigid, durable, and resistant to
high temperatures. The hardened substrate is prepared with a porous base coat, to enhance bonding and increase the surface
area, and
nally a coa ng of a noble metal catalyst, such as pla num, palladium, or other, is applied. By de
ni on the catalyst
is not consumed, and does not undergo any las ng chemical change, in the chemical reac on it increases. Theore cally the
noble metal catalyst could last inde
nitely. In fact, over me some elements in wood smoke tend to bond to the noble metal,
reducing its e
ec veness, and fric on from smoke and ash gradually wear or "
a en" the catalyst coa ng.
The useful life of a cataly c combustor is es mated to be @12,000 hours, barring damage from impact or abuse. At that stage
the catalyst is expected to be @75% e
ec ve. The combustor will take longer to ac vate or "light o
" and there will be a
no ceable drop in heat output. The number of years service you can expect from cataly c combustors will depend on where
you live and how you use your wood heater. A serious wood burner, living up north, may expect to get three to four years
service, while a casual burner in a more temperate climate may get ten years or more. In any climate, the key to maximum
combustor life rests with the operator. At the risk of redundancy; burning only well seasoned cord wood is the best advice.
If you are new to cataly c wood heaters, follow the instruc ons found in this manual and develop good burning habits. It
should not take long to develop your wood burning skills. Developing a rhythm for loading fresh fuel and learning the best
me to engage the catalyst comes with repe on. In fact, it may be easier for someone who is unfamiliar with wood heat-
ers to develop a rou ne than an experienced wood burner who has operated other types of wood heaters. The experienced
user may need to unlearn, or change, their burning rou ne or habits. Regardless of experience, rest assured it is not di
Burning good, well seasoned cord wood is the main ingredient for success. Never burn painted, contaminated, or pressure
treated wood; or any other prohibited materials listed on
Page 2
. Take full advantage of the long burning capability of your
cataly c equipped wood heater. A cataly c equipped wood heater works best with a comfortably full load of cord wood in
rebox. (
But don't "jam" the
rebox full.
) Allow the cataly c combustors to ac vate, close the Bypass Damper, set the
Combus on Air for a low to medium
re, enjoy the warmth un l the
re has burned down to a good bed of coals, and reload.