DP450 Tap Water Iontophoresis System User Manual
Rev. 1.4 / 02-16-2017
Remark: One or both of the aluminum electrodes may discolor after several
treatments. This is completely normal, and will not affect the efficacy
of the treatment.
Setup for Axillary (Armpits)Treatment
The setup for axillary treatment is similar to the setup for hand or feet treat-
ment, except that axillary treatment requires the Axillary Treatment Kit
instead of trays.
Proceed with steps 1 to 4 of the instructions on the previous page.
Thoroughly soak the axillary pads (sponges with leather covers)
with hand
warm tap water. At this time, insert the AX electrodes
Do not squeeze any water from the pads!
Subdivide every axillary treatment into two sessions of 7 minutes
each, in order to re-soak the axillary pads.
Conducting Treatments
For your comfort, please observe the following two instructions before
you begin a treatment session
BEFORE you start a treatment session and close the electrical current
circuit with your hands, feet or underarms, make sure to FIRST turn ON
the main power switch
. If this sequence is reversed, there is also a
chance that you receive a completely harmless, but uncomfortable,
electric shock!
When conducting a treatment, avoid removing your hands or feet from
the water or removing the Axillary Treatment Kit from your underarms.
If you ignore this advice, you run a very small risk of feeling a complete-
ly harmless, but uncomfortable, electric shock. Although the HIDREX
system comes equipped with a feature called Anti Shock Electronics
(ASE©) designed to permit current flow interruption, there is a very
small chance of this shock occurring due to various other circumstanc-
Assembled Axillary
Treatment Kit