Mutant Hot Glue DIY assembly manual v1.05
STEP_05: Take a break!
It is almost time to assemble the control surface (yay)!
But, first: look over the two PCBs you just populated and make sure there are no missing or shorted solder
joints. You don’t want to put it all together and then find out you missed a few spots with the iron! If you’re
anything like me, it happens more often than you’d like to admit (I’m not actually a robot…hehe)
If you are feeling tired or rushed, it might be a good idea to rest up before coming at it again. The control board
is for sure the hardest part of assembly and you don’t want to mess it up! So have a fresh, well-rested mind for
this final section.
STEP_06: Prepare the Potentiometers
The included BI Technologies potentiometers all need their locking clip cut off. Grab a pair of sharp cutting pliers and
clip off the little tab of metal on each pot, as shown.
Wear eye protection and try to prevent the clippings from flying all
over, by cupping your hand over the cut as you make it! These little bits go flying off in all directions very fast when