Liquid Control
30 – 99.8%
If the pressure is reduced, the boiling point of liquids
will be decreased. As a result of this law of nature, a
product may start boiling. In addition to contamination
of the machine, this will reduce the weight and qual-
ity of the product to be packaged. By enabling the Li-
quid Control function, this special sensor will detect
the evaporation point, and the program will stop vacu-
uming and proceed to the next step in the packaging
process. The value that can be set is the maximum
achievable vacuum value. Please keep in mind that
this maximum vacuum value can only be achieved as
long as the product does not start boiling.
0.1 – 5.0 seconds
This is the time the vacuuming will continue after de-
tection of the evaporation point. Because of the evap-
oration, a minor shockwave may occur, pushing all re-
maining air from the bag. The best way to determine
the right time is trial and error.
Sequential Vacuum 30 – 99.8%
If the value for the time is insufficiently ef-
fective for the entrapped air to escape, the Sequential
Vacuum/Multi-Cycle Vacuum Step must be enabled.
In maximum five steps, vacuuming is alternated with
maintaining time. Each step increases the vacuum
reached in the previous step.
42 % – 99.8%
Steps: 1 – 5
This is the adjustable value of the last step. If it is set
to 42 %, no more vacuuming will take place during
this step, but it will immediately proceed to sealing. 1
– 5 steps can be set. The set end vacuum can only be
achieved during the last step.
30 - 99%
This function is used only to vacuum seal jars. Jars
with lids suitable for vacuum sealing need to be used.
The Seal and Soft air phase are shut off with this func-
30 – 99.8%
Time: 0 – 30
This is the value at which the Tenderising takes place.
The duration of the Tenderising process can also be
Seal time
1-2 cutting time
0.1 – 4.0 seconds
This is the time that the sealing wire and/or the cut-off
wire are heated. The longer the time, the more heat is
transferred to the bag.
0 – 20 seconds
This is the time that air is softly released into the cham-
ber after sealing has taken place. The best way to de-
termine the right time is trial and error.
Operation 52