Sleeper option
1 – 99 minutes
This is the time the pump will continue running after
running a cycle. This maintains the pump at operating
temperature and prevents unnecessary starting and
stopping of the pump, which causes additional wear of
the pump.
The vacuum in the chamber must be at least 30% at the moment of sealing.
If the pressure is reduced, the boiling point of liquids will be decreased; see Vapour Pressure
Curve of Water on page 68 . As a result of this law of nature, a product may start boiling. In
addition to contamination of the machine, this will reduce the weight and quality of the product to
be packaged.
When packaging moisture-containing products, such as soups and sauces, it is important to
closely monitor the vacuuming process. The moment bubbles are formed or the product starts to
bubble, you should immediately proceed to the next step in the cycle. See Proceeding to the Next
Step in the Cycle on page 24
By letting products cool down sufficiently prior to starting the vacuuming process, a higher vacuum
can be achieved.
If the machine is equipped with the Liquid Control option, the control will automatically proceed to
the next step if the product starts boiling.
When packaging moisture-containing products, it is important to run the pump cleaning program
at least once a week. When moisture-containing products are vacuumed on a daily basis, it is
recommended to run the pump cleaning program at the end of the day.
6.2 Advanced Control System (ACS)
The ACS is more than a control system. It includes unique features, special options and intelligent
functions that add significant value to your vacuum packaging operations.
Standard ACS features
LCD panel
Software in 5 languages
20 program memory
USB connection to upload programs
Standard Sensor control
Label printer compatibility
HACCP compliance
Secured multi-level access
Online programming (link to the ACS Configurator)
Operation 32