aBsOLuteLY nO Fire in the FireBOX When PerFOrMinG this rePair. DO nOt
PerFOrM this rePair When unit Water teMPerature is unsaFe. aLWaYs Wear PrOPer
PersOnaL PrOtective eQuiPMent When WOrKinG With Water anD cheMicaLs.
Maintaining the Correct Amount of Water in the Bladder and in the HEATMOR™
1) Close the bladder gate valve located at the rear of the HEATMOR™ furnace. Closing this valve will
ensure no water can enter the bladder.
2) Remove the weighted ball from the relief vent pipe.
3) Connect the water source to the return line leading to the HEATMOR™. Use a garden hose to add
the water to the return line.
4) Turn on the source of water, but only about half a full flow.
5) The pressured water will now flow through the return line as the water flows into the HEATMOR™.
6) Continue adding water until water flows out the relief vent pipe, onto the roof of the HEATMOR™.
Leave the water running. Some may continue to spill out onto the roof.
7) Place the weighted ball back onto the relief vent pipe.
8) Turn on the green bladder gate valve and let the bladder fill half full. You can check this by feeling the
bladder with your hand inserted through the bladder inspection cover plate.
9) Turn off the water when the bladder is half full.
Low Water Condition
If the water level is below the bladder port when the water heats up, air will enter the bladder instead of water.
To remove the air from the bladder, follow steps 1 through 7 above and make sure there is a good seal on the
weighted ball. Next:
1) Open the bladder gate valve.
2) CAREFULLY remove the bladder hose, allowing the bladder to empty its contents.
3) After bladder is empty of air/water, re-attach the bladder hose to the bladder gate valve and tighten
the hose clamp.
Next, follow steps 7-9 above.
nOte: never LiGht a Fire insiDe the FireBOX untiL the Water JacKet is FuLL OF Water,
anD sanD has Been aDDeD tO the Base tO the cOrrect LeveL.
iF YOu are instaLLinG Parts OF this heatinG sYsteM On a “DO-it-YOurseLF” Basis,
it is hiGhLY recOMMenDeD YOu Purchase a tOtaL sYsteM instaLLatiOn ManuaL
recOMMenDeD BY YOur DeaLer.
reaD thrOuGh the entire OPeratiOns anD Maintenance ManuaL BeFOre OPeratinG
YOur heatMOr stainLess steeL OutDOOr Furnace.
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