hd 680 DEI-V
ValiDoc Pro
Page GB 9
Version 1.06
1.4 Advice for operating the sealing machine
Checking the sealing seam
Each sealing seam must be subjected to a integrity check after the sealing
process and after sterilisation.
The sealing seam must be intact across the entire width and length and must
be fully sealed.
There must be no channels, kinks, folds, air pockets or indents.
There must be no visible signs of scorching or melting.
2 Before starting
2.1 Designated use
The machine is intended only for commercial and industrial use and must only be used for the
intended purpose and with the following materials.
Sealable materials
Pouches and reels in accordance with EN 868-5 and EN ISO 11607-1*
Paper pouches in accordance with EN 868-4*
Uncoated HDPE*
Aluminium laminate film
* also with side gusset
The correct sealing temperature must be identified by means of test sealings.
The machine output depends on the condition of the sealing material used.
These materials must not be sealed
Polyethylene films
Soft PVC films
Hard PVC foils
Polyamide films
Polypropylene films.
In the case of uncertainty, an ink test (see section 3.9) can be used for the purposes of visual inspection.