P3 5 i F ireplace Insert
P e l l e t s o r C o r n /P e l l e t M i xt u r e O n l y
S a ve T h e se I n st r u ct i o n s
- 0-775R1 08 1
C. G eneral Maintenance Procedures
1 . Burn Pot G rate Cleaning
F req uency:
aily to Weekly
W ear Leather G loves To Prevent Skin Burns!
This procedure can be done with a fire burning. It is
recommended that you turn the temperature dial down
approximately one half hour before to allow some
cooling of the fire.
Open the front door by lifting upward on the latch
handle, then swing the door open. Using the scraper
tool provided with your appliance, scrape any cool or
spent ashes from in front of the fire off the front of
the grate to the ash pan. Next, scrape downward
into the burn pot, under the burning fuel
to remove any carbon deposits. Pay
particular attention to the corners on
each side of the auger, as this is
generally the first place to see
accumulation. You do not
want to scrape the fire out
of the pot, you ust want to
clean the holed surface
underneath the fire. Any
loosened material will be
pushed off of the grate
into the ash pan as
burning resumes. Close
the door when finished,
and return your temperature dial to the desired setting.
epending on fuel quality and the quantity of fuel
consumed, the interval between scraping will vary. If
you see orange and lazy flames, it is a good indicator
of the need for scraping.
2 . Ash R emoval F rom F irebox
F req uency:
Weekly depending on fuel and or
ash buildup.
W ear G loves To Perform
The fire UST be out and cool for safe ash removal.
The scraper tool can be used to knock any ash
accumulation into the ash pan.
requent cleaning of ash from the firebox will help
to slow the accumulation of ash in the exhaust and
venting system.
3 . Emptying the Ash Pan
F req uency:
Bi-Weekly as needed
W ear G loves To Perform
The fire UST be out and cool for safe ash removal.
a. Remove the ash pan cover by grasping the ash lip
and slide forward.
b. Open the lower spring latch on each side to release
the ash pan.
c. Slide the ash
pan straight out.
d. Empty into a
slide the ash pan
straight into the
e. Secure the ash
pan by hooking
and closing the
spring latches.
4 . Disposal of Ashes
F req uency:
As needed
Ashes must be placed in a metal container with
a t
t fitt n
e c
e c nta ner a e
u e p ace n a n n-c m u t e
r r
on the ground, well away from all combustible
mater a pen n fina
p a t e a e are
disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally
dispersed, they should be retained in the closed
container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled.
Do not use the ash container for other debris or
yard waste.