Work Area
Select a flat work area longer than the headstay and free from gravel, dirt or sand. Generally, the best work area is the
dock next to the boat.
Your furling system is designed to be assembled on the ground and must not be assembled
with the headstay in a vertical position.
Norseman, Sta-Lok or Rod Headstay Installations
The assembly instructions show assembly of a swaged wire headstay. Norseman, Sta-Lok and rod headstay installa-
tions differ slightly in a few areas.
Differences are noted at the bottom of each page in shaded boxes
June 1999
Unit 00AL
Adhesive Alert:
Foil assembly requires red Loctite adhesive. Loctite cures properly in temperatures above 60°
(15° C). Surfaces must also be dry. If you assemble your unit at lower temperatures, use a heat gun like a hair dryer
or hand held butane or propane torch to
warm the parts for about 5 minutes after assembly. Loctite primer is
available for lower temperatures, ask your local Loctite dealer or Harken.
Red Loctite only cures when no oxygen is present. Excess adhesive on the surface of the foils will remain sticky
and will not cure. This does
mean that the adhesive inside the joint has not cured.
You will need these tools to build your system
Screwdriver - Flat blade
" (3 mm)
Wrench for flats on upper
stud of turnbuckle or needle
nose vise-grip-type pliers if
there are no wrenchflats
File, sandpaper
or emery cloth
Heat gun - only needed if you will
be working during cool weather
(see above)
Roll of paper towels
or disposable rags
Wire cutters - only needed if
you are cutting your own
headstay wire
Electric Drill with 15/64 (6 mm) bit
required for some installations, see
page 11.
Plastic tape - not needed with Norseman or
Sta-Lok units.
Tape Measure