© 2013 HAPP Australia Pty Ltd
Version 8
P a g e
Clear floor hoists use this limit switch connector provided on the motor (the white
connector), it should be disabled on other models. Whilst this is specified in the
manuals, electricians can miss this. To disable the connector the wires need to be
closed (joined / bridged) which then enables motor operation. Connect the two
wires and pull them inside the cover, if you decide to add a limit switch, use this
What are the top tips for installing my hoist?
Read the ‘pdf’ manuals that have been sent to you by HAPP when you purchased
the hoist (including this document). These are the most up to date manuals and
have special instructions and diagrams. Some key points in these manuals are:
Check all fittings and bolts are tight.
Floor plate hoists do not need the limit switch connector provided on the motor
(the white connector), disable the connector by bridging (Connecting the two
wires , pull them inside the cover), if you decide to add a limit switch, use this
Drill your anchor bolt holes right through the cement if possible, the anchor bolts
can then be removed by hitting them through into the underlying soil
The balance cables don’t fit, one side seems shorter than the other ?
Typically the cause of this is that the cables are not routed correctly. Check the
pulleys and cables to locate where the cable may not be fitted correctly.
The fittings on th
pump assembly are loose.
Pumps are used across different hoist models. If the fittings on the pump control
block are left loose, tighten these fittings till firm.
The hose does not reach the fitting on the pump assembly.
As pumps are fitted to different models the hose fitting can be on the wrong side.
The hose fitting can be located on either side of the pump assembly. To swap the
sides, swap the hose outlet with the plug outlet on the opposite side.
The hose fitting supplied is different to the one on the pump assembly.
As pumps are used on different models the fittings can be different. In these
cases the fitting is supplied in the parts supplied with the hoist, remove the black
fitting on the pump assembly and replace with the fitting supplied in the parts.