SCPI Programming Reference
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
duty cycle (square waveform only), the instrument will adjust the duty cycle to the maximum
value allowed with the present carrier frequency.
If you select the
modulating source, the deviation is controlled by the ±5 V signal
level on the rear-panel
Modulation In
connector.For example, if the frequency deviation is
100 kHz, then a +5 V signal level corresponds to a 100 kHz increase in frequency.Lower
external signal levels produce less deviation and negative signal levels reduce the frequency
below the carrier frequency.
Deviation is valid under these conditions:
≤carrier frequency
dev carrier frequency
≤ carrier upper frequency limit + 1 kHz
SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Sets the frequency of the modulating waveform. The modulating source waveform operates at that
frequency, within the frequency limits of that waveform.
Typical Return
2 mHz to 500 kHz, default 100Hz
Set the modulating frequency to 500Hz: SOURce1:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency 500
When you select an arbitrary waveform as the modulating source, the frequency changes to the
frequency of thearbitrary waveform, which is based on the sample rate and the number of
points in the arbitrary waveform.
This command should be used only with the internal modulation source (
FM:SOURce INTernal
SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion SINusoid|SQUare|RAMP
This command selects the shape of the modulating waveform.
Typical Return
SINusoid|SQUare|RAMP, default SINusoid
SINusoid, SQUare, or RAMP
Select a squarewave as the modulating waveform: SOURce1:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion
This command should be used only with the internal modulation source (FM:SOURce INTernal).
5.2.10 FREQuency Subsystem
The FREQuency subsystem sets the instrument's output frequency
SOURce<n>:FREQuency? [MINimum|MAXimum]