Features and Function
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
HDG2102B, HDG2082B,
HDG2062B, HDG2032B,
HDG2102C, HDG2072C,
HDG2052C , HDG2032C
1μHz ~ 15MHz
HDG2012B, HDG2002B
1μHz ~ the highest frequency
μHz ~ the highest frequency
Modulating Waveform Shape
The instrument accepts an internal, external or external trig AM or FM modulation source.
You cannot modulate noise with noise or an arbitrary waveform with an arbitrary waveform.
The modulating waveform shape (internal source) may be:
Sine wave
Square with 50% duty cycle
UpRamp with 100% symmetry
Triangle with 50% symmetry
DnRamp with 0% symmetry
Noise - white gaussian noise
Arb - Arbitrary waveform
SOURce<n>:MOD:AM:INTernal:FUNCtion SINusoid|SQUare|RAMP
SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FUNCtion SINusoid|SQUare|RAMP
Modulating Waveform Frequency
The instrument accepts an internal, external or external trig modulation source.
Modulating frequency (internal source): varies by signal type
Modulating frequency (external source): 0 to 100 kHz.
SOURce<n>:MOD:AM:INTernal:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>:MOD:FM:INTernal:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
Modulation Depth (AM)
The modulation depth is a percentage that represents the amplitude variation. At 0% depth, the
amplitude is one-
half of the carrier’s amplitude setting. At 100% depth, the amplitude varies
according to the modulating waveform, from 0% to 100% of the carrier’s amplitude.
Modulation depth: 0% to 120%. The default is 50%.