Features and Function
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
SOURce<n>:SWEep:TIME <seconds>|MINimum|MAXimum
Hold Time and Return Time
Hold time specifies time (in seconds) to remain at the stop frequency, and return time specifies the
number of seconds to return from the stop frequency to the start frequency.
Hold time and return time: 1ms to 300 seconds (default 1s).
Front Panel:
SOURce<n>:SWEep:HTIMe <seconds>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>:SWEep:RTIMe <seconds>|MINimum|MAXimum
Marker Frequency
If desired, you can set the frequency at which the signal on the front-panel
connector goes to
a logic low during the sweep. The
signal always goes from low to high at the beginning of the
Marker frequency: between the specified start frequency and stop frequency. The default is
550 Hz.
When the sweep mode is enabled, the marker frequency must be between the specified start
frequency and stop frequency.
SOURce<n>:MARKer:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
Sweep Trigger Source
In sweep mode, the instrument outputs a single sweep when a trigger signal is received. After one
sweep from the start frequency to the stop frequency, the instrument waits for the next trigger
while outputting the start frequency.
Sweep trigger source: Internal (default), External or Manual.
With the Internal (immediate) source, the instrument outputs a continuous sweep at a rate